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'''{{Anchor|Extra Chance}} {{Ex}}:''' At 20th level, the metal slug pilot is well protected by their tank. Their tank is not destroyed until they hit 0 hp (instead of 10% of their maximum hp), and when the tank is destroyed the metal slug pilot is released from their tank at 75% of their maximum hp.
====<-Sample race of your choice-> <-class name-> Dwarf Metal Slug Starting Package====
'''Weapons:''' <-Weapon selection for starting at 1st level with this class.->[[Battle Shotgun (3.5e Equipment)|Battle Shotgun]]
'''Skill Selection:''' Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + [[Int]] modifier.
! class="left" | Skill || Ranks || Ability || Armor<br/>Check<br/>Penalty
|- class=
| class="left" | Spot Craft || 4 || [[WisInt]] || —
|- class=
| class="left" | Spot Listen || 4 || [[Wis]] || —
|- class=
| class="left" | Spot || 4 || [[Wis]] || —
|- class=
| class="left" | Spot Survival || 4 || [[Wis]] || —
'''Feat:''' <-1st-level feat selection->[[SRD:Point Blank Shot|Point Blank Shot]].
'''Bonus FeatsGear:''' <-1st-level feat bonus feats due to class or sample race. Remove this section if this sample doesn't get any bonus feats at 1st level. ->.
===Campaign Information===
====Playing a Metal Slug====
'''Religion:''' <-Description Metal slugs have no particular attraction or rejection of how this class typically (but not exclusively) approaches gods and religion, including likely portfolios it would worship.->.
'''Other Classes:''' <-How this class typically interacts with other classes and how characters of this class interact with characters of other classesMetal slugs are ranged attackers, but are durable enough to survive in melee.-> Many choose to take on powerful short range weapons.
'''Combat:''' <-Typical role You can be competent in both range and melee, largely dependent on your combat.->style.
'''Advancement:''' <-Typical advancement options for characters Usually single classing is the best idea to scale the tank properly, but some may dip into the classes associated with this classtheir combat focus. Include desirable multiclass options.->Their effective level stacks with their actual level.
====Metal Slug in the World====
{{quote|Stop! Tank police!!!|orig=Hope, Tiefling Metal Slug Pilot}}
'''Daily Life:''' <-day in the life of Metal slugs love their tanks, and often spend a character of this class->. '''Notables:''' <-notable NPCs great deal of this class->time pimping them out.
'''Organizations:''' <-Info on what, where, when, and how characters Metal slugs would find a great deal of this class congregate and assemble.->work in military organizations.
'''NPC Reactions:''' <-How NPCs react to PCs of this class->These tiny tanks may look silly, but they are still tanks.
====Metal Slug Lore====
! DC || class="left" | Result
| 10 || class="left" | <-common knowledge->Metal slugs pilot tiny tanks that augment their melee and ranged capabilities.
| 15 || class="left" | <-not so common knowledge->Metal slugs are durable inside their tank, and they are customized with a great deal of abilities which augment their vehicle.
| 20 || class="left" | <-rare information->Powerful metal slugs are said to be able to survive the destruction of their vehicle, and keep fighting.
| 30 || class="left" | <-very rare information->A result this high can give results on specific metal slugs, their behavior, motives, customization to their metal slugs, and other abilities.
====Metal Slugs in the Game====
'''Adaptation:''' <-Possible variant conceptions of this class.->Tanks can easily be covered by any mechanized unit.