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Serrated-Blade Lash (3.5e Equipment)

1 byte added, 20:53, 29 April 2017
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'''Bloody Grip:''' As a standard you make an attack with your serrated-blade lash, this attack has [[SRD:Improved Grab|Improved Grab]]. If you successfully grapple a creature with your whip you pull it in your square and each round you maintain the grapple, at the start of your turn, you inflict 1d4 [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleed]]. When you [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleedout]] a creature during bloody grip, you may end the grapple as an immediate action, doing so cause the creature to lose 40% of it health rather than 20%.
'''Dancing Whip Stance:''' As a swift action you can whirl your serrated-blade lash like a madman, in this stance you threaten (and therefore gain the ability to take attacks of opportunities) however . However. if you move more than 5 ft. feet during your turn you immediately drop out of the stance. in In this stance you always count as having a free hand for the purposes of interacting with the Deflect Arrows feat, and the exotic weapon proficiency feat counts as Improved Unarmed Strike for the purposes of pre-requisites to gain Deflect Arrows.
'''Skin Ripper:''' As a standard action you may make a single attack. Instead of bleed damage, you instead damage a number of points of natural armor equal to the bleed you deal. The damage lasts until healed, and it is healed as if it were ability damage one a 1 for 1 basis. Immunity to ability damage is not immunity to this effect, and you cannot reduce a creature beyond 0 natural armor.