Encased Titan (3.5e Monster)
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Encased TitanEdit
CN Colossal Giant | |
Init/Senses | +1/Listen +9, Spot +9 |
Languages | Common, Giant, Celestial |
AC | 23, touch 7, flat-footed 22 (4 natural, 12 armor, 4 deflection (AT Field on only), 1 dexterity, -8 size) |
hp | 390 (20d8+300 HD) |
Fort/Ref/Will | +27/+7 or As Pilot -4 if Synchronization Ratio is 3 or more/+7 or As Pilot if Synchronization Ratio is 3 or more |
Speed | 240 ft. in +4 Encasement full plate; base speed 350 ft. |
Melee | 2 slams +24 (2d8+17/x2) or |
Melee | bite +19 (4d6+25/x2) or |
Melee | prog knife (+5 Colossal Dagger) +29 (3d6+22/19-20x2) |
Ranged | Giant Assault Rifle +23 (+8 while Berserk) piercing (6d8/x2), 500' increment or |
Ranged | Giant Energy Rifle +23 (+8 while Berserk) force (4d8/x3), 2500' increment or |
Ranged | Giant Rocket Launcher +23 (+8 while Berserk) (6d8/x2), 500' increment, deals 10d6 fire (Reflex DC 21 half) in a 30' radius blast around the target whether or not it hits or |
Ranged | 2 Giant Rocket Launchers +17/+13 (+2/-2 while Berserk) (6d8/x2), 500' increment, deals 10d6 fire (Reflex DC 21 half) in a 30' radius blast around the target whether or not it hits |
Space/Reach | 30 ft./30 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +15 or As Pilot if Synchronization Ratio is 3 or more and Pilot's is higher/+48 |
Abilities | Str 44, Dex 12 or As Pilot if Synchronization Ratio is 4 or more, Con 40, Int -, Wis 12, Cha 4 |
SQ | Pilot, Mettle, Fire Resistance 50, Acid Resistance 20, Cold Resistance 20, Sonic Resistance 50, DR 20/adamantine, DR 100/magic (AT Field on only), Energy Pool, Electricity Absorb, AT Field, Fast Healing 20, Auto-Aim, Shrug Off, Berserker |
Feats | As Pilot if Synchronization Ratio is 3 or more |
Skills | Use Pilot's Ranks and Pilot's mental ability modifiers if Synchronization Ratio is 3 or more, +8 Insight bonus to Spot and Listen |
Advancement | — |
Pilot | The Encased Titan has a hole in its spine into which a control pod can be inserted. This control pod is a Large object, filled with fluid, with a seat for a pilot. The first time a given individual attempts to pilot the Encased Titan, roll a d4. This is the pilot's Synchronization Ratio. While this control pod is inserted, the pilot can control the Encased Titan instead of taking actions as long as the pilot has a Synchronization Ratio of 2 or more. Without a pilot, the Encased Titan will do nothing unless Berserk. The pilot isn't safe: for every 3 points of damage the Encased Titan takes, the pilot takes a number of points of nonlethal damage equal to their Synchronization Ratio. Every day, the Synchronization Ratio of an individual will have a 5% chance of increasing by 1, and a 5% chance of decreasing by 1, with 0 being the minimum and 5 being the maximum. |
Mettle | When the Encased Titan succeeds on a Fortitude or Will save, it is completely unaffected. |
Energy Pool | The Encased Titan has an energy pool which can store up to 500 points of energy. Simply running the Encased Titan's pilot life support costs 1 energy every 2 minutes; every time the Encased Titan doesn't pay this energy cost, the pilot loses 1 hit point. Taking any actions during a round costs 10 energy per round. |
Energy Pool: Boost Strength | The Encased Titan can spend up to 80 points of energy per round to get half that as a bonus to Strength for that round. |
Energy Pool: Boost Speed | The Encased Titan can spend 50 points of energy as a full-round action to run at double speed. |
Electricity Absorb | When the Encased Titan is dealt Electricity damage, instead of losing health, those points of damage add to the Encased Titan's energy pool. |
AT Field | As a swift action, the Encased Titan may activate or deactivate its AT Field. While active, the Encased Titan gains DR 100/magic, a +4 Deflection bonus to AC, and the ability to ignore energy resistance and magical damage reduction with attacks against creatures fewer than 500' away. However, while active, the AT Field also drains 20 points of energy per round. |
Auto-Aim | While not Berserking, the Encased Titan gets a +15 Insight bonus to Dexterity-based and Intelligence-based attack rolls. |
Shrug Off | If the Encased Titan is subject to any status effects (such as paralyzation or pinning), the pilot may take a full-round action to pay 100 points of energy to remove those status effects. If the Encased Titan is dies due to a death effect (but not death by damage), that death effect is undone if the pilot's next turn is a full-round action to remove status effects. |
Berserker | When the Encased Titan's pilot is knocked unconscious, there is a (5 × Synchronization Ratio)% chance that the Encased Titan will go Berserk. The pilot can also try to make the Encased Titan go Berserk with a DC 30 Diplomacy check as a full-round action. While Berserk, the Encased Titan cannot be controlled, and fights any enemies it perceives until either they or it are dead. In addition, the Encased Titan's fast healing doubles to 40, it gains the ability to regenerate any lost body parts as a standard action, it can spend energy that it does not have, and it is not disabled or dead while it has more than -400 hit points. While the Encased Titan is Berserking, if it has 0 or less energy or health, it must make a Constitution check (DC 5 + number of times this check has been made already for this Berserk session) or fall unconscious. |
Encasement: Prevents the Encased Titan from going Berserk constantly, and grants DR 20/adamantine. If equipped on another creature, that creature becomes incapable of action.
Giant Assault Rifle: This is a Colossal two-handed weapon which weighs 5000 pounds. It can make up to 5 attacks before running out of ammo, and takes a full-round action to reload. Each clip weighs 1000 pounds and is worth 5000 gold. The Encased Titan's design is such that it can't carry this and the Giant Energy Rifle at the same time. Giant Assault Rifles are unfortunately very difficult to enchant; enchanting a Giant Assault Rifle costs 50 times the normal amount.
Giant Energy Rifle: This is a Colossal two-handed weapon which weighs 6000 pounds. Each attack drains 100 energy, and this weapon can only be fired once per round. If fired as a full-round action, the range increment penalty is reduced to -1 per increment from -2. The Encased Titan's design is such that it can't carry this and the Giant Assault Rifle at the same time. Giant Energy Rifles are unfortunately very difficult to enchant; enchanting a Giant Energy Rifle costs 50 times the normal amount.
Giant Rocket Launcher: This is a Colossal one-handed weapon which weighs 3000 pounds. It can only be fired once before it needs reloading; reloading it takes 5 consecutive full-round actions. The Encased Titan can carry two of these, but only if it doesn't carry a Giant Assault Rifle or Giant Energy Rifle. Giant Rocket Launchers are unfortunately very difficult to enchant; enchanting a Giant Assault Rifle costs 50 times the normal amount.
Strategies and TacticsEdit
Encased Titans are often equipped with powerful ranged weaponry which they use to weaken their enemies before closing in for the kill.
Sample EncountersEdit
As the innocent party of Eldritch Horrors wanders into town, disgruntled townsfolk unleash an Encased Titan at them, and the town itself hides from the ensuing conflict.
Environment: Encased Titans are seldom found far from a source of electricity.
Encased Titans are mindless slaves of their electricity-wielding masters. As such, they have no society of their own.
Sample LairEdit
An underground cave filled with Diviners to aid the Encased Titan in battle.
Typical TreasureEdit
Note the armor and big guns.
For Player CharactersEdit
Many PCs could benefit from having an Encased Titan to call their own.
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