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Once upon a time, a power-mad archwizard came upon a slimy, potentially dangerous alien biomass from outer space. So he did what any cautiously prudent and thoughtful man would have done; disregard any and all safety regulations, turn off the zone of OSHA-compliance in his lab, and maliciously experiment on it until he knew what made it tick. Sensing the potential of eternal youth and longevity from the ageless biomass, over the next decades he undertook many attempts in order to splice the strange matter with organic life. Hell-bent on achieving physical immortality, the aging wizard's experiments became more and more frantic and desperate as he felt his death approaching, leaving him to finally resort to human experimentation. The slime matter took quite well to the guiding impulses of a higher mind, and a strange race of humanoid/ooze hybrids was born.
Read the full feat text at: Neneki
Facts about Neneki
- Author: Sulacu
- Category: 3.5e Races
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