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Nalfeshnee Storm (3.5e Soulmeld)

Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 3/13/10
Status: Just started
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Nalfeshnee Storm 
Descriptors: Evil, Chaotic
Classes: Demonsouled
Chakra: Blast, Crown, Waist
Saving Throw: See text

You get a stupid look on your face and sprout tiny wings.

You get a +4 bonus to skill checks to imitate someone less intelligent than yourself. For every point of essentia invested in Nalfeshnee Storm, the bonus improves by +2.  

Chakra Bind (Blast)

Electricity dances on your fingertips.

You can use a standard action to make a ranged touch attack that does not require line of effect against any target within medium range. This attack deals 1d6 points of electricity damage per meldshaper level. 

Chakra Bind (Crown)

Your cranium gets larger, but somehow, you don't look any more intelligent.

You get a +2 bonus to Spellcraft and Knowledge (Arcana) checks. For every point of essentia invested in Nalfeshnee Storm, you get a +1 bonus to Spellcraft and Knowledge (Arcana) checks and Intelligence. 

Chakra Bind (Waist)

You gain girth.

You get a +2 bonus to Constitution. For every point of essentia invested in Nalfeshnee Storm, the bonus improves by +2.

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