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Protoblade (3.5e Equipment)

Author: Sulacu (talk)
Date Created: 25 October 2011
Status: Complete
Editing: Grelling and spammar only
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Price: 135,000 gp
Body Slot: Held
Caster Level: 15
Aura: Strong evocation and transmutation
Activation: Use-activated (continuous)
Weight: 4 lb.

From a small tube of finely wrought steel flows forth a blade of radiant, dark energy that cuts through anything.

A protoblade is an effective +3 touch attack weapon. It consists of a worked metal hilt that, when activated, projects a 3 to 4-foot beam of tangible power and substance. The protoblade derives its power, and the range and scope of its mass-energy beam from a finely cut focusing crystal fashioned from energized proteum. It has base damage 2d8 and a critical rate of 19-20/x2. Because of the distinct glow and sound of the energy beam when the protoblade is activated, the wielder incurs a -4 circumstance penalty to Hide and Move Silently checks. Because of its small size and unassuming shape when inactive, a protoblade can be easily concealed on one's person with Sleight of Hand.

A protoblade is considered an exotic weapon in the same way as a bastard sword, an can be wielded martially in two hands. A protoblade is finessable.

When someone wields a protoblade, it is made to unconsciously absorb a trace amount of the wielder's life force. While being otherwise harmless, this effectively attunes the weapon to its wielder's particular signature, drawing out the power of magic from their raw essence, whether they possess spellcasting levels or not. As a result, the color of its beam depends on the character and mindset of the wielder. Effects channeled through the protoblade have an effective caster level equal to the wielder's caster level or his base attack bonus, whichever is higher.

A protoblade's damage stems wholly from pure arcane energy, and cuts through any type of damage reduction a creature may possess, but not material hardness. However, spell resistance is effective against a protoblade, and as such to pierce the defenses of a creature with spell resistance, the wielder must make a successful caster level check with each attack. Magic immune creatures cannot be cut with a protoblade.

A character with an arcane spellcasting class may use the ability score that governs his spellcasting for damage with a protoblade, instead of Strength.

A protoblade confers a +4 competence bonus to sunder checks. A protoblade can also destroy objects and magically created physical objects and barriers like wall of fire, Wall of Force, or blade barrier as a standard action, with a successful caster level check against their break or effective dispel DC, even if the spell in question would normally not be dispellable.

Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and Armor, energy subjugation, a half-pound focusing crystal of pure crystalline proteum valued at 50,000 gp.
Cost to Create: 92,500, 1,700 XP, 43 days.

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