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Salomon (MC Race)

Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 3-22-11
Status: Complete
Editing: Done
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Sly and malcontent, an isolated race whose temper rivals that of the Rygoliths. They are cold-blooded killers and elemental tricksters.

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'10" -- 6'5"
Average Weight: 160 -- 225 lbs
Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Constitution or Charisma
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Darkvision
Languages: Common, Zerakai
Skill Bonuses: +2 Acrobatics, +2 Stealth
Close Call: If an enemy misses you with a melee attack, you can shift 1 square.
Cold-blooded Rage: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls when bloodied.
Fleeting Ghost: Your skill bonus to Stealth becomes +5 when you have cover or concealment.
Reflexive Scale: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Reflex.
Venomous Bite: You can use venomous bite as an encounter power.
Venomous Bite
Salomon Racial Power
As though the blood of your cousins have ensued your rage, you take a good bite at your foe-- leaving them with a lethal amount of vile poison that renders them inert.
Encounter ✦ Poison
Standard Action Melee Touch
Target: One Creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Strength modifier damage, and make a secondary attack against the target.
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude
Hit: Ongoing 5 Poison damage, and the target is slowed (save ends both). First failed save: Ongoing 10 Poison damage, and the target is stunned (save ends both).

An isolated race like the Shadowcon, the Salomon are creatures whose mischiefs are well-known and their behaviors reflect their restless tempers—many of the commoner Salomon reflect this side of the coin, but there are some who have embraced the concept of adventure and have, in turn, become warm and welcoming. Most Salomon hold within them their troubles of their past-- no matter where they are.

Play a Salomon if you want…

  • To become a cold-hearted assailant who has a niche for tactical combat.
  • To stalk your foes and lash out with all your favor.
  • To be a member of a race that favors the Dragoon, Fighter, and Spellcaster classes.

Physical QualitiesEdit

Salomon resemble large lizards-- almost like the Rygoliths, but their heritage is actually linked with the Slith-Zerakai, a band of blood-thirsty and cruel killers. Many Salomon commonly have muddy green or golden scales, but some also even have brick red, dark blue, and dark brown scales. Salomons have golden, blue, dark red, or pale green eyes. Their most prominent features are razor-sharp claws and venomous fangs.
Salomon life spans at about 200 years of age, and some of the oldest members can live up to 300 years. Many Salomon yearn for a time where their home world isn’t heavily covered in smog and low clouds-- a day where they can see the stars once again.

Playing a SalomonEdit

Salomon individuals are a little intimidating at first, but their personalities are even more so. It is a little difficult to read a Salomon’s thoughts and to determine their next move. They are so cunning that they’ve become natural assassins-- a trait passed down from their more violent cousins, the Slith-Zerakai.
Some Salomon adventurers have learned to ease their storm that rages within themselves-- perhaps getting the chance to see the sun and stars gives them a piece of mind. Many Salomon utilize their hostile nature to become efficient stalkers, blood-thirsty killers, and elemental tricksters. Many Salomon rely on their own brute strength alone to solve problems, but some have devoted themselves to acquire knowledge of the Elements and to learn the ways of the arcane arts.

Salomon Characteristics: Ambitious, arrogant, bloodthirsty, cruel, gregarious, isolated, light-hearted, short-tempered, sinister, sly, troubled, wary

Male Names: Alkren, Baknor, Drix’x, Grum’ne, Ho’xran, Jorgan, Kal’tron, Mykren, Nex’cran, Randris, The’xus, Xa’len

Female Names: Aldii, Baern, Cel’trin, Eli’xera, Ili’xira, Kelsi, Lo’harin, Orinaru, Ranera, Sal’turi, Vendrana, Yu’thina

Salomon AdventurersEdit

Three sample Salomon adventurers are described below.

Drix’x, a salomon Fighter, is a solitary yet honorary combatant. His approaches are nomadic and he claims himself as a wandering mercenary-- battling for what he believes is right. He has many good friends, and he keeps them in mind wherever he goes, but he only relies on his own skills to get through the thick of battles. He never fights alone and searches for a group in need of a good fighter.
Kelsi, a salomon spellcaster, is a spontaneous individual-- she considers herself more of an arcane comedian rather than a trickster. Her knowledge of the elements have given her the title of the Queen of Spades, since she combines rogue tactics with elemental lore to accomplish spectacular prestidigitation acts. She is a good friend at heart, and she is more than ready to fight with fire.
Randris, a salomon assassin, is a shadowy figure that lurks in the darkest corners-- his golden eyes sparkling in the moonlight-- ready to strike out of the shadows. When he does, his foes become confused once they see blood dripping from their cuts. As soon as they lose their guard, his dagger pierces the hearts of his targets-- pinning them in the grasp of inevitable death. He is feared by many-- even to his allies. Randris is a free soul.

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