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Steal Maneuver (3.5e Maneuver)

1,816 bytes added, 00:39, 27 December 2010
|date_created=August 23rd, 2009

<onlyinclude>{{3.5e Maneuver
|name=Steal Maneuver
|discipline=Broken Blade
|summary=Reach into opponent's mind and steal a maneuver.
|prereq=Four Broken Blade maneuver and three maneuvers, each from a distinct other martial discipline
|range=Melee attack
|subj=One creature
|dur=1 round/2 Initiator levels
|save=Will negates
|text=This maneuver allows you to reach inside your opponents mind and steal a maneuver from their mind. To initiate this maneuver you make a single melee attack. If this attack succeeds and your target fails a will save (DC 18 + intelligence modifier), one random maneuver the individual knows is picked. That maneuver is treated as expended. You may make a martial lore check to recognize the maneuver as if you had seen it used. If you succeed on this check, you get the maneuver as an extra readied maneuver which does not count towards your normal maximum number of maneuvers readied. If you are a crusader you get this maneuver automatically granted to you. You must have high enough initiator level to use the maneuver but do not need to meets its other prerequisites (such as a requisite number of maneuvers known in that discipline). After the duration ends, the maneuver fades from your mind. You cannot have more than one maneuver gained this way at a time. If you use this ability to steal another maneuver, you may replace the old maneuver with the new or keep the previously stolen maneuver.

This maneuver is a supernatural ability.

{{3.5e Broken Blade Maneuver Breadcrumb}}
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