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Pyromaniac (3.5e Class)

59 bytes added, 23:58, 5 July 2011
Class Features
Greater&mdash;''aura of flame''<sup>DM</sup>, ''[[Blazing Tower (3.5e Invocation)|blazing tower]]'', ''caustic mire''<sup>CM</sup> (deals fire damage), ''chilling fog''<sup>DM</sup> (deals fire damage), ''devour magic''<sup>CA</sup>, ''eldritch cone''<sup>CA</sup>, ''eldritch line''<sup>DM</sup>, ''[[Melt Earth (3.5e Invocation)|melt earth]]'', ''noxious blast''<sup>CA</sup>, ''penetrating blast''<sup>DM</sup>, ''repelling blast''<sup>CA</sup>, ''wall of perilous flame''<sup>CA</sup> (deals hellfire damage)
Final&mdash;''binding blast''<sup>CM</sup>, ''caster's lament''<sup>CM</sup>, ''dark discorporation''<sup>CA</sup> (as fire motes, deals fire damage), ''eldritch doom''<sup>CA</sup>, ''[[Infernal Cloud (3.5e Invocation)‎|infernal cloud]]'', ''instill vulnerability''<sup>DM</sup>XXXXXXX
'''{{Anchor|Elemental Summoning}}:''' At 2nd level, a pyromaniac can take a full-round action to call on the elemental plane of fire and summon any fire-subtyped creature with a CR equal to 1/2 his HD. This behaves like a ''[[SRD:Summon Monster I|summon monster]]'' spell, except the duration is 1 hour/class level. He may use this ability 1/day.