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Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)/Affability

579 bytes added, 06:46, 19 September 2011
Push an Agreement: targetting clarity
</onlyinclude>{{Sidebar|Haggling|Haggling slows the game down and puts the whole spotlight on a single player while it is happening, but it is common in the period and people want to do it. This ability can be used as a way to hurry the process along to acceptable levels. It is presented here as a sidebar instead of actual rules because some DMs really don't like that sort of thing. You should confirm with your DM that they are willing to allow you to haggle with this ability before attempting it.
If haggling is allowed, you may use this skill ability to talk merchants into buying your gear for more money than they normally would and selling you their own merchandise for less than they normally would. In those cases you may simply offer a price and make a check against it. The seller may use the item level of the piece in question in place of their own level. Each 10% change in price that is not in their favor is considered a +2 unfavorability penalty to the DC of this check. In no case can you haggle an item to below 60% of its actual price, nor can you talk a merchant into buying something used from you for more than 60% of its actual price. By making this check you agree to buy the item at full price if you fail the check, so you can not make a haggle check for items you can not afford at full price. Similarly, you agree to accept the initial offer if you fail in your attempt to drive up the cost. While this isn't how most haggling negotiations go in life, it is the only mechanical way to keep players from just always pushing for the biggest gain and splitting the difference if they fail.}}<onlyinclude>Sometimes you can present an agreement, and the other party remains hesitant to accept it. Maybe you have to talk people into going along with a crazy plan or otherwise helping you out when they don’t really want to, or maybe they’re just being indecisive. You’re able to push them a bit, getting people to agree when they otherwise might not, just because you’re a nice likeable guy.</onlyinclude> This action requires five one minute, or ten full-round actions , worth of conversation, which can only occur after an agreement has been ironed out that both sides would at least consideragreeing to. Any offer or counter offer that you push on someone or an opposing side has to be something they could consider agreeing to in general or it is disregarded. You can’t push someone people to do something self-destructive, against their nature, or otherwise completely opposed to their values, duties, obligations, or self-interest. There are no hard limits on the number of targets you can make accept an agreement with this ability, so long as they are all on the same "side" and are willing to be bound by the same terms. If you were sitting opposite a negotiating team or addressing a full session of parliament you could attempt to use the ability on all present (though sub-factions within a parliament would likely be treated as individual sides and have separate DCs, and possibly subject to outright refusal).
After spending a one minute talking them into it, make an affability check against a DC of 10 + their CR the EL of the opposing "side" + their the highest Wis modifierof the other side, + an additional modifier based on the terms of the agreement. Agreements the target has targets have reason to believe are very favorable to them can decrease the DC by up to -10, while bargains they might believe are unfavorable may increase it by up to +10, at the DM’s discretion. You know what the check DC is before you attempt it, and your check against this DC is modified by their attitude towards you as indicated on the table above. Their acceptance of and feelings towards the deal are indicated in the check results below.
Note: This skill may be used on a player by an NPC at some point, especially if the players are being indecisive. In those cases, you should accept that everybody gets fast talked once in a while, and that it might happen to your character once in a while too. An NPC successfully using this ability on you is not very different from one using the [[SRD:Suggestion|''suggestion'']] spell, except that they can’t force you to do objectionable things. You should just roll with it, treating the NPC appropriately based on how well they convinced you to participate.
*DC-1 to DC-5: They agree to the deal, but feel poorly towards it regardless of the favorability of it. Target may become less friendly towards the character, feeling pushed into a deal that they didn’t really want to make.
*DC-6 and below: They refuse the deal, regardless of its terms. No one likes a pushy salesman. New terms must be agreed to if a deal is to be reached, and they should generally be better for the other side.<onlyinclude>
===Rank 4 Uses===