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Anorith (3.5e Monster)

598 bytes added, 00:00, 22 October 2012
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'''{{Anchor|Predatory}}:''' Anoriths remember their ancient prey who seem to have never evolved, being creations, and as such they gain a +8 racial bonus to track Vermin, as well as a +2 bonus to hit and damage them.
'''{{Anchor|Pokemon Traits}}:''' Rock, Steel and Water attacks are Super Effective, gaining a +4 Circumstance Bonus to the attack roll or Save DC, and dealing bonus damage equal to the hit dice of the attacker. Normal and Poison attacks are Not Very Effective, gaining a -4 Circumstance Penalty to the attack roll or Save DC, and the damage is reduced by Armaldo's hit dice (4). Armaldo has Tremorsense 30' and is immune to Critical Hits from everything except Rock, Steel and Water effects. It also sheds its shell every six months, providing suitable plating to make Shields and similar things.