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Cain's Curse of Covetousness (3.5e Spell)

103 bytes removed, 23:39, 28 February 2013
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The caster of this spell designates an object within range, to which creatures in the immediate vicinity become magically attracted. In order for a creature to be affected by this spell, the item must be of a sufficiently small size that they can pick it up with reasonable ease (for the purposes of this spell, such an item is generally three size categories smaller than the creature, so a Medium-sized being can be affected if the ensorcelled object is of Tiny size or smaller).
Such creatures within 30 feet must make a Will save or be compelled to pick up acquire the object by any means available to them. Once , even violent ones if the item has been obtained, all other creatures within the area is already in possession of effect must make another Will save to avoid becoming compelled to acquire the item by any means necessarycreature.
This effect can be removed from the item by ''[[SRD:Remove Curse|remove curse]]'', ''[[SRD:Break Enchantment|break enchantment]]'', or similar effects. Doing so immediately ends any fascination or hostilities created by the spell. ''Cain’s curse of covetousness'' can also be made permanent via the ''[[SRD:Permanency|permanency]]'' spell. When the spell is permanent, a creature that saves successfully against either effect is immune to both for 1 hour.