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Voltran (3.5e Monster)

68 bytes added, 20:26, 17 August 2013
Combat: Elaboration
'''{{Anchor|Earth Power}} ([[Sp]]):''' This is a [[SRD:Flame Strike|''flame strike'']] from below rather than from above. Instead of divine energy, half of the damage is a [Ground] effect and the other half is electricity damage. (Actually, the whole move is a [Ground] effect, ''not'' an [Electric] effect, even though half of the damage is electricity damage. It's still considered an electricity effect, though - just not for interacting with Pokémon traits.) Voltran's caster level is equal to its Hit Dice. The save DC of 38 is Charisma-based. Voltran may use ''earth power'' at will.
'''{{Anchor|Dark Storm}} (Su):''' As a full-round action usable once every 2d4 rounds, Voltran may summon a storm of dark energy that deals 30d8 negative energy damage to all within Medium range. (The number of damage die is equal to Voltran's HD.) Victims are allowed a [[SRD:Reflex |Reflex]] save (DC 38, Charisma-based) for half damage. This is a [Dark] effect. Voltran may invest essentia into Dark Storm to add 2 dice of damage for every invested essentia point.
'''{{Anchor|Lightning Surge}} (Ex):''' Voltran's signature move, Lightning Surge is its trump card and most terrifying power. Voltran can automatically begin flowing with an enemy simply by hitting the foe with a slam attack. As long as Voltran is flowing with an enemy, that enemy takes 15d10 electricity damage every round on Voltran's turn, with no save allowed. Voltran also makes a Charisma check opposed by a Dexterity check from the foe on each round; if Voltran wins, the foe takes an additional 15d10 electricity damage on that round, and Voltran may make an additional Charisma check opposed by the foe's Dexterity check to repeat the process. Voltran can damage the foe in this fashion up to 5 times per round. This is an [Electric] effect. Voltran adds 1 die to the damage for every 2 HD it has.