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SRD5:Young Black Dragon

2,744 bytes added, 02:46, 14 December 2016
Created page with "{{OGL Top}} {{5e Monster |name=Young Black Dragon <!--Creature Name--> |size=Large <!--Medium, Large, etc.--> |type=Dragon <!--Dragon, Humanoid, Outsider, Swarm, etc.--> |swar..."
{{OGL Top}}
{{5e Monster
|name=Young Black Dragon <!--Creature Name-->
|size=Large <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|type=Dragon <!--Dragon, Humanoid, Outsider, Swarm, etc.-->
|swarm= <!--If swarm, size of individual creature in swarm-->
|subtype=Chromatic Dragon <!--Elf, Goblinoid, etc.-->
|align=Chaotic Evil <!--Lawful Good, Chaotic Evil-->
|ac=18 <!--armor class-->
|acfluff=natural armor <!--reason if given-->
|hp=127 <!--number of hit points-->
|hd=15d10+45 <!--10d8, 4d12, etc.-->
|speed=40 ft., {{srd5lc|Fly}} 80 ft., {{srd5lc|Swim}} 40 ft. <!--walking speed in feet, other speed (fly, swim) in feet-->
|saves=[[SRD5:Dexterity|Dex]] +5, [[SRD5:Constitution|Con]] +6, [[SRD5:Wisdom|Wis]] +3, [[SRD5:Charisma|Cha]] +5 <!--bonus to save; Athletics +5-->
|skills={{SRD5|Perception}} +6, {{SRD5|Stealth}} +5 <!--{{SRD5|Stealth}} +3-->
|damageresistances= <!--bludgeoning, slashing, piercing-->
|damageimmunity={{srd5lc|Acid}} <!--damage type; fire, radiant-->
|conditionimmunity= <!--condition; charmed, petrified-->
|senses={{srd5lc|Blindsight}} 30 ft., {{srd5lc|Darkvision}} 120 ft. <!--darkvision 60 feet, Tremorsense 30 feet-->
|perception=16 <!--Passive Perception bonus; +5-->
|languages={{SRD5|Common}}, {{SRD5|Draconic}} <!--Common, Goblin, None, etc.-->
|cr=7 <!--Challenge Rating-->
|xp=2,900 <!--Experience points for destroying-->
{{5e Ability|Amphibious|The dragon can breathe air and water.}}

{{5e Ability|Legendary Resistance (3/Day)|If the dragon fails a {{srd5lc|Saving Throw}}, it can choose to succeed instead.}}

{{5e Ability|Multiattack|the dragon can use its Frightful Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its bite and two with its claws.}}

{{5e Ability|Bite|''Melee Weapon Attack:'' +7 to hit, {{srd5lc|Reach}} 10 ft., one target. ''Hit:'' 15 (2d10+4) {{srd5lc|Piercing}} damage plus 4 (1d8) {{srd5lc|Acid}} damage.}}

{{5e Ability|Claw|''Melee Weapon Attack:'' +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. ''Hit:'' 11 (2d6+8) {{srd5lc|Slashing}} damage.}}

{{5e Ability|Tail|''Melee Weapon Attack:'' +11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. ''Hit:'' 15 (2d8+6) {{srd5lc|Bludgeoning}} damage.}}

{{5e Ability|Acid Breath ({{SRD5|Recharge}} 5-6)|The dragon exhales acid in a 30-foot {{srd5lc|Line}} that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 14 {{SRD5|Dexterity}} {{srd5lc|Saving Throw}}, taking 49 (11d8) acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.}}


* [[SRD-OGL v5.1]]

{{SRD5 Footer|Monster}}
[[Category:SRD5 Monsters|Black Dragon Young SRD5]]
[[Category:5e Black Dragons|{{Title Only|{{BASEPAGENAME}}}}]]
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Black Dragon Young SRD5}}