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User:Leziad/Bodyshifter (3.5e Class)

2,054 bytes added, 00:07, 8 January 2017
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'''{{Anchor|Amorphous Form}}:''' The bodyshifter's shift the matter of her body, turning it into amorphous jelly instead of skin, flesh and bone. The transformation may or may not be readily apparent. She gains all immunities of [[SRD:Ooze Type|ooze]] except mind-affecting effects given that she is not mindless. Additionally, in this form, she can more readily change her shape, allowing her to count as four size categories smaller for the purpose of squeezing through tight spaces.
''Augment:'' For each additional shift point the bodyshifter invests, she may select one of the abilities below:
:''{{Anchor|Digestive Cells}}:'' The bodyshifter's cells all become capable of digestion, much like an ooze. She may deal 2d6 damage to any creature which come in bodily contact with her (through her unarmed attack, using an unarmed attack on the bodyshifter, being grappled, grappling, etc).
If she invest three or more points she may also select from the list below:
:''{{Anchor|Absorbing Cells}}:'' Any creature killed by the acid damage of [[#Digestive Cells|Digestive Cells]] are absorbed into her form, healing her for a number of hit points equal to the creature's HD ×3. All of the creature's equipment drops on the ground. However. , she may decide upon absorption to automatically equip any number of them as a free action, assuming the appropriate body slots are free. A creature killed by Absorbing Cells are completely absorbed into your body and thus leave no corpse behind. This augment require the [[#Digestive Cells|Digestive Cells]] upgrade.
:''{{Anchor|Gaseous Form}}:'' The bodyshifter gains the ability to use [[Greater Gaseous Form (3.5e Spell)|''greater gaseous form'']] at will (self only).
:''{{Anchor|Mimic Morph}}:'' The bodyshifter gains the ability to replicate [[Mimic Morph (3.5e Spell)|''mimic morph'']] at will. This augment requires [[#Objectmorph|Objectmorph]].
''Augment:'' If the bodyshifter spends 1 point, she doubles the reach increase and the distance she can stretch her limbs. Both triple if she invest 2 points, quadruple for 3 and so on.
'''{{Anchor|Evolved Skin}}:''' The bodyshifter focus her effort on her skin, making it able to heal about any cuts and become extremely sensitive. While in this bodyshift the bodyshifter's body count as being made of [[Duraleather (3.5e Equipment)|Duraleather]], she gain fast healing 1 which may only bring her up to 50% hit points and stack with other sources of fast healing. Her her skin become a sensory organ granting her [[SRD:Blindsight and Blindsense|Blindsense]] out of 30 ft, however it only function in any area with air.
''Augment:'' if she invests a single shift point on this bodyshift, she count her [[Constitution]] double for the purpose [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleedout]]
If she invests two shift points on this bodyshift, her [[SRD:Blindsight and Blindsense|Blindsense]] increase to 60 ft and she become unable to block painful sensation, becoming immune to pain-effect.
If she invests three shift points on this bodyshift, her skin heal so fast that she become immune to all bleeding damage and her fast healing become 3 and can heal her past half hit points.
If she invests four shift points on this bodyshift, her skin now become so sensitive that she gain [[SRD:Blindsight and Blindsense|Blindsight]] out of 30 ft in addition to her [[SRD:Blindsight and Blindsense|Blindsense]] of 60 ft.
If she invests five shift points on this bodyshift, she can now hear, see and breath through her skin. She become immune to blindness, deafness and cannot asphyxiate unless there is a complete lack of air.
If she invests six shift points on this bodyshift, her fast healing increase to 5 and her [[SRD:Blindsight and Blindsense|Blindsight]] and [[SRD:Blindsight and Blindsense|Blindsense]] range double.
If she invests seven shift points on this bodyshift, her skin can now feed on sunlight making her able to survive without breathing, drinking, eating or sleeping as long as she is in contact with sunlight. While under sunslight her skin simply heal too fast, increase her fast healing to 10 and halving piercing and slashing damage.
'''{{Anchor|Extra Arms}}:''' The bodyshifter grows another pair of arms. However they start off much clumsier and weaker than normal arms. She may only wield light weapons with her secondary arms and only adds half of her [[SRD:Strength|Strength]] modifier to damage. Any skill checks made with only the secondary arms are made with a –4 penalty. If she possesses the [[SRD:Two-Weapon Fighting (Feat)|Two-Weapon Fighting]] feat it applies to all extra attacks granted by having multiple arms (much like [[SRD:Multiweapon Fighting|Multiweapon Fighting]]).
| Colossal || class="left" | Titanic || +16 || -2 || +8 || +9 || -8
[[File:Human Buzz-Saw.jpg|thumb|250px|right]]
'''{{Anchor|Living Buzz-Saw}}:''' The bodyshifter turns into a grotesque living buzz-saw, shifting her body and spinning very rapidly upon herself. The bodyshifter gain a hover speed equal to her base land speed (clumsy). More importantly, she can fly through the space of other creatures and objects. When she does so she automatically make an unarmed attack at her highest base attack bonus. This attack deals slashing damage, bypasses DR/Adamantine and Hardness of 20 or less and inflicts 1d6 points of [[Bleedout (3.5e Condition)|bleed]]. This attack may only be done once per creature per round.