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User:Leziad/Bodyshifter (3.5e Class)

1,819 bytes added, 22:20, 9 January 2017
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|special1=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (1), [[#Bodymorph|Bodymorph]], [[#Masterwork body|Masterwork Body]], [[#Shapechanger|Shapechanger]] {{!!}} 1d6 {{!!}} +4 {{!!}} 2 {{!!}} 1
|special2=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (2), [[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] {{!!}} 1d6 {{!!}} +5 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1
|special3=[[#Efficient Physique|Efficient Physique]] (+1), [[#Morphic Endurance|Morphic Endurance]], [[#Variable Build|Variable Build]] {{!!}} 1d6 {{!!}} +5 {{!!}} 3 {{!!}} 1
|special4=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (3), [[#Morphic Reach|Morphic Reach]] {{!!}} 1d8 {{!!}} +6 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 2
|special5=[[#Shifting Resistance|Shifting Resistance]], [[#Variable Adaptation|Variable Adaptation]] {{!!}} 1d8 {{!!}} +6 {{!!}} 4 {{!!}} 2|special6=[[#Efficient Physique|Efficient Physique]] (+2), [[#Mettle|Mettle]] {{!!}} 1d8 {{!!}} +7 {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 2|special7=[[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] (40 ft.) , [[#Shed Skin|Shed Skin]] {{!!}} 1d8 {{!!}} +7 {{!!}} 5 {{!!}} 3
|special8=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (4), [[#Morphic Reach|Improved Morphic Reach]] {{!!}} 1d10 {{!!}} +8 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 3
|special9=[[#Efficient Physique|Efficient Physique]] (+3) {{!!}} 1d10 {{!!}} +8 {{!!}} 6 {{!!}} 3
|special10=[[#Fortified Body|Fortified Body]] {{!!}} 1d10 {{!!}} +9 {{!!}} 7 {{!!}} 4
|special11=[[#Extraordinary Shifts|Extraordinary Shifts]] {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +9 {{!!}} 7 {{!!}} 4
|special12=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (5), [[#Efficient Physique|Efficient Physique]] (+4), [[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] (80 ft.) {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +10 {{!!}} 8 {{!!}} 4
|special13=[[#Biological Immortality|Biological Immortality]] {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +10 {{!!}} 8 {{!!}} 5
|special14=[[#Primordial Soup|Primordial Soup]] {{!!}} 2d6 {{!!}} +11 {{!!}} 9 {{!!}} 5
|special16=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (6), [[#Morphic Reach|Greater Morphic Reach]] {{!!}} 2d8 {{!!}} +12 {{!!}} 10 {{!!}} 6
|special17=[[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] (160 ft.) {{!!}} 2d8 {{!!}} +12 {{!!}} 10 {{!!}} 6
|special18=[[#Efficient Physique|Efficient Physique]] (+6) {{!!}} 2d8 {{!!}} +13 {{!!}} 11 {{!!}} 6
|special19=[[#Biological Immortality|Improved Biological Immortality]] {{!!}} 2d8 {{!!}} +13 {{!!}} 11 {{!!}} 7
|special20=[[#Bodyshift|Bodyshift]] (7), [[#Evershifting Chaos|Evershifting Chaos]] {{!!}} 2d10 {{!!}} +14 {{!!}} 12 {{!!}} 7
Unlike bodyshifts, the bodyshifter knows all bodymorphs available to her from the start:
:''{{Anchor|Adaptive Eyesight}} (1-3):'' The bodyshifter's vision become much more powerful, granting herself the benefits of the [[Improved Eyes (3.5e Equipment)|Improved Eyes]] graft. If she invest an additional point her darkvision increase by another 30 ft and she gain telescopic vision, allowing her to negate the spot penalty at any distance. If she invest a 3rd points she gain the ability to See in Darkness as a [[SRD:Devil|Devil]] and she gain full spectrum vision, allowing her to replicate the effect of a [[SRD:Ring of X-Ray Vision|Ring of X-Ray Vision]] with no [[Constitution]] damage incurred by uses, in addition of being able to see other spectrum which may or may not be useful. :''{{Anchor|Big Hand}} (1):'' The bodyshifter gain the benefits of [[Oversized Grip (3.5e Feat)|Oversize Grip]] even if she does not meet the prerequisites. Additionally, she counts as one size category larger for the purpose of dealing unarmed damage.
:''{{Anchor|Big Head}} (1):'' The bodyshifter falls under the effect of [[Big Head Mode (3.5e Spell)|''big head mode'']].
:''{{Anchor|Cosmetic Morph}} (1):'' The bodyshifter changes her appearance radically. She may make cosmetic changes to herself within the limits of the [[SRD:Disguise Self|''disguise self'']] spell. The changes are a transmutation effect and do not fool [[SRD:True Seeing|''true seeing'']] or similar abilities. If the bodyshifter invests an additional point in this bodymorph, the limit of her transformation is now dictated by [[SRD:Alter Self|''alter self'']].
:''{{Anchor|Fast LegsChameleon Skin}} (12):'' The bodyshifter's base land speed increases by 10 feet. For each additional point invested gain the ability to blend in this morphher surrounding, granting her a +4 bonus to Hide. If she stand completely still for 3 rounds she gain the speed increase doublesability to hide without cover and concealment with +8 bonus instead.
:''{{Anchor|Flexible SpineFast Legs}} (1-3):'' The bodyshifter gains 's base land speed increases by 20 feet. For each additional point invested in this morph, the benefits speed increase doubles to maximum of the [[Flexible (+80 ft at 3.5e Feat)|Flexible]] feat even if she does not meet the prerequisitespoints.
:''{{Anchor|Flexible Spine}} (1):'' The bodyshifter gains the benefits of the [[Flexible (3.5e Feat)|Flexible]] feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites. :''{{Anchor|Merform}} (2):'' The bodyshifter falls under the effects of [[Merform (3.5e Spell)|''merform'']].
:''{{Anchor|Plain Look}} (1):'' The bodyshifter assumes a very very plain look, granting her a +10 bonus on [[SRD:Disguise Skill|disguise]] checks in order to disguise into no one in particular. The bonus increases to +20 when standing in a crowd. This cannot be used with [[#Stunning Look|Stunning Look]] or any Bodyshift/Bodymorph which makes her look extraordinary.
:''{{Anchor|Regenerative Cells}} (1-3):'' The bodyshifter gains one third of her class level (rounded up) in [[Rapid Healing (3.5e Creature Ability)|Rapid Healing]]. She also gains the ability to regrow her limbs within 3d6 minutes, re-attach them and survive headless. If she invest an additional point it become [[SRD:Fast Healing|Fast Healing]] instead. If she invest two additional points it becomes [[True Immortal (3.5e Template)|Pseudo-Regeneration]].
:''{{Anchor|Stunning Look}} (1):'' The bodyshifter gains the [[Too Hot (3.5e Trait)|Too Hot]] trait and the ability to use ''Fascinate'' as [[SRD:Bard|Bard]] of her level (DC 10 +1/2 HD + [[SRD:Charisma|Charisma]] modifier) at will.
:''{{Anchor|Suction Cups}} (2):'' The bodyshifter falls under the effect of [[SRD:Spider Climb|''spider climb'']].
:''{{Anchor|Superstrong Legs}} (1):'' The bodyshifter gains a +20 bonus on [[SRD:Jump Skill|Jump]] checks. She adds the distance she may use [[#Extend Limbs|Extend Limbs]] to the distance traveled with each jump.
'''{{Anchor|Masterwork Body}} {{Ex}}:''' A 1st level bodyshifter receives [[Masterwork Body (3.5e Feat)|Masterwork Body]] as a bonus feat.
'''{{Anchor|Shapechanger}} {{Ex}}:''' A 1st level bodyshifter gain the [[SRD:Shapechanger Subtype|shapechangerShapechanger]] subtype.
'''{{Anchor|Extend Limbs}} {{Su}}:''' A 2nd level the bodyshifter has learned how to extend her limbs, this allows her to manipulate objects around her up to 20 feet outside of her reach. While she may manipulate objects (such as dragging a box or activating a lever), she is unable to use this ability to attack or activate magic items. The distance she can extend her limbs doubles at 7th level and each 5 levels thereafter.
'''{{Anchor|Morphic Reach}} {{Ex}}:''' At 4th level, 8th and 16th level, the bodyshifter's natural reach increases by 5'.
'''{{Anchor|Shifting Resistance}} {{Ex}}:''' A 5th level bodyshifter become immune to effect which change her shape against her will, such as polymoprh spells and petrification. She may also always revert to her native form as a move action.
'''{{Anchor|Variable Adaptation}} {{Su}}:''' At 5th level the bodyshifter is capable of spontaneously adapting to her environment, growing gills underwater or a heatproof skin in an extremely hot environment. After staying 3 consecutive rounds in a particular environment, she adapts to it as per [[SRD:Adapt Body|''adapt body'']]. Despite being able to adapt to almost anything she still may still need to breath and thus might still suffocate in airless environments.
'''{{Anchor|Mettle}} {{Ex}}:''' A 6th level bodyshifter gains the benefits of mettle as an hexblade<sup>[[Publication:Complete Warrior|CW]]</sup>, but only for Fortitude saves.
'''{{Anchor|Shed Skin}} {{Su}}:''' As a move action, the 7th level bodyshifter can shed her skin to remove negative effects. At the start of her next turn she is cured of negative effects with a non-permanent duration and she heal hit points, ability damage and burn as if she rested 8 hours. She make shed her skin even if she normally could not take a move action, such as while being [[SRD:Stunned|stunned]].
Shedding her skin has drawback as well, doing so require 1 shift point which become unavailable for 1 hour.
'''{{Anchor|Fortified Body}} {{Ex}}:''' A 10th level bodyshifter has such a control over her body that she can shift her internal organs out of harm's way and control her immune system perfectly. She becomes immune to critical hits, diseases and poisons.