Grammar check
''This blood red dragon is long and serpentine, with thin membranous fleshy wings. Its scales are wet and slick, blending into each other to make it look like a salamander. It seems to have pronounced snake-like fangs.''
[[Hemoplasm Slime (3.5e Monster)|Diseased hemoplasm slimes]] are a menace who do not differ between various creatures. Normally a dragon overpowers these disease-bearing slimes easily and has no threat, but sometimes the slimes come upon a clutch of helpless dragon eggs. The carnage is generally fatal for all the young wyrmlings involved, but sometimes the youthful energy of the young unborn dragon is stronger than the slime's attempts at consuming its shell. It absorbs the slime and combines with it, transforming from its original dragon type into an abomination. These mutants are quickly expelled from the nest upon hatching if not killed, where they ensure endure a harsh life outside and grow bitter and hateful of normal beings. They seek to spread their infection to others so that they make them join them as outcasts until the outcast outcasts have become the dominant being.
Whatever their base dragon used to be matters not, the transformation renders them into serpentine dragons with fleshy membanous wings stained pink from the blood flowing through them. Their skin seems almost transparent at birth , revealing the horrifying musculature and organs, and slowly becomes a cloudy but no less vibrant red until setting on the hue of dried blood as a great wyrm. It's Its eyes fade into milky yellow-white orbs of pus.
The blood dragon finds its home best where oozes collect and gather, especially wet areas. While they can survive dry places , it is very irritating to their skin. They perfer prefer minions to actual treasures, can and can build up entire kingdoms of infected thralls if given time.
Blood dragons surround themselves with various oozes in their lair, having no fear of them. Using their disease ability , they gain corpseblood templated minions which they use to soften up their targets, then fly in and strike them down when they are weak.
;Blood Drain {{Ex}}
A creature grappled by the blood dragon takes damage equal to it's its bite attack, and it is drained of precious blood. Thet target must make a Fortitude save equal to its breath weapon or lose 1d6 points of Constitution damage. For every point of Con damage it deals, the hemoplasm slime gains 5 hp (if this puts it over it's its maximum hp, it gains them as stacking temporary hit points that vanish after an hour, up to double it's its normal hit points).
;Breath Weapon {{Su}}
;Disease {{Ex}}
A blood dragon's bite attack carries the [[Corpseblood Mold (3.5e Other)|corpseblood mold]]'' disease. If the creature gains the corpseblood gel template, they are under compulsion to follow the command of the blood dragon which created them. The DC is equal to its breath weapon DC.
;Immunities {{Ex}}
;Ooze Form {{Ex}}
As a standard action, a juvenile or older blood dragon can transform into an ooze form of itself. In the ooze form , it is blind, but it gains blindsight 120 ft, and can squeeze through small cracks as small as 1 inch wide. It gains a number of slam attacks equal to the number of natural attacks it has, with the same damage as its claw attacks. In ooze form , it does not need to breathe. It can exist in this form indefinatelyindefinitely, reverting as a standard action.
The juvenile or older blood dragon counts as both a dragon type and an ooze type. As a result, other oozes see it as one of their own and do not attack.