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Shuriken, Balmz (3.5e Equipment)

580 bytes added, 03:13, 30 September 2018
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'''Star Field''' : You may as a standard throw or plant 7 shuriken on a 5x5 square, treat the area as if it were covered in caltrops
'''Star Disarm''' You may attempt to disarm a foe with your shuriken as a standard action as per ranged disarm.
'''Extra Star''' You may throw an additional star at foes during a full attack action at no penalty.
'''Star Struck''' You may as a standard action throw a shuriken at a foe. If it hits the target must make a DC 15 + 1/2 your BAB + dexterity modifier or be stunned for 1 round. This does not work on creatures who do not feel pain.