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Unconventional Human Learning (3.5e Feat)

1,118 bytes added, 22:10, 26 September 2019
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|prereqs=<!-- All prerequisites, including feats -->Human, 1st level only, INT 11 or more
|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->
|benefit= Your thirst for knowledge gives you access to additional one unconventional abilitiesability, which you master as you learn and experience. At character creation, choose a base class other than the one you chose for your character. The chosen class becomes your learning class. You choose a special ability from the first level of your learning class. At level 2 of your basic class and every 2 levels after, you can spend 5 2 skill points to learn forget the ability chosen by this feat and choose a special higher level ability from your learning classwhose level is equal or below the level of your basic class. (For example if you are Ranger Level 4 and your learning class is Rogue, you can spend 2 skill points to forget "Trapfinding" and learn "Uncanny Dodge" instead. Then, at level 8 of your Ranger class, you can spend 2 other skill points to forget "Uncanny Dodge" and learn "Improved Uncanny Dodge"). When you replace an existing ability with a new ability, you are forced to choose an ability whose level is higher than the one you 'forget'. You must have an intelligence score of at least 10 + 1/2 level of the special ability (rounded down) to be able to choose it. At level 8, and every 8 levels after, you can spend 5 skill points to learn another special ability from your learning class. You must continue to have the intelligence score required to take this special ability (For example, if you choose "Timeless Body" from Druid class, you must have an intelligence score equal 10 + (1/2 x 15) = 17 (rounded down)).You cannot choose a bonus feat or a magical ability with this feat, and but you must can choose an extraordinary abilities or a supernatural abilities (For example, you can choose "Flurry of Blows" from Monk class, or "Sneak Attack" from Rogue class, but you cannot choose "FamiliarDetect Evil" from Sorcerer Paladin class). For obvious compatibility reasons, you cannot choose "Summon Familliar" or "Animal Companion" abilities.
|example=<!-- If your feat has a complicated mechanic, give an example of how it works. -->
|special= Your learning class must be compatible with your alignment and race, and cannot have a Very High balance. If your intelligence score drops below 11 permanently, you stop having access to your learning class. If you multiclass, you cannot can choose your learning class, but you stop having access to your learning class, and you lose all benefit of this feat. You do not gain the base attack bonus, nor the base save bonuses, nor the access to spells, psionic powers, or martial maneuvers from the learning class. You also do not earn additional HDs or class skills from this learning class. If you choose an ability that "scales" with levels, such as "Sneak Attack". You must spend 2 points for each level or it "evolves". For example, by choosing "Sneak Attack +1d6" from Rogue level 1, you will need to spend 2 skill points at level 4 to get "Sneak Attack +2d6" normally available at level 3 of Rogue.