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800 bytes removed, 21:19, 13 October 2009
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And ye, from within the belly of the Fallen Tarrasque emerged a figure draped in simple, if not ragged clothing. "Yeh must be the legendary warriors I'be hearin' about?" He murmured, bowing low and speaking in slow, methodical tones. "I s'pose I be the challenge yeh seek?"
This Character is heavily based off of Classes and Feats found on this website. It also uses the Races of War Combat Options.
== References ==
*Player's Handbook II<br>
*Unearthed Arcana<br>
*[[Forsaker (3.5e Prestige Class)]]Masters of the Wild<br>
*Races of Stone<br>
*Complete Champion<br>
*[[Jack Book of Swords (3.5e Prestige Class)]]*[[Indeterminable (3.5e Prestige Class)]]*[[Great Fortitude (3.5e Feat)]]*[[Lightning Reflexes (3.5e Feat)]]*[[Iron Will (3.5e Feat)]]*[[Mage Slayer (3.5e Feat)]]*[[Big Guy (3.5e Feat)]]*[[Tough Guy (3.5e Feat)]]*[[Hard to Kill (3.5e Feat)]]Exalted Deeds<br>
== Game Rule Components ==
=== Items ===
Adamantine WeaponsNone
=== Progression ===
! [[SRD:Saving Throw#Fortitude|Fort]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Reflex|Ref]] || [[SRD:Saving Throw#Will|Will]]
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 1st || Generic Warrior1 || +1 || +0 || +2 || +0 || [[Iron Will (3.5e Feat)]], [[Combat School (3.5e Feat)]]: Crescent Destruction (Metal Plates) , [[Great Fortitude (3.5e Feat)]] || GW Bonus Feat: [[Lightning Reflexes (3.5e Feat)]] || As soon as you can, grab yourself a Masterwork Weapon. Preferably 2, A Greatsword, and a Composite Longbow. NO MAGIC ITEMS! Choose Concentration, Handle Animal, Survival, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), and Heal as class skills. Put 4 ranks in Handle Animal, and Knowledge (Dungeoneering). +3 Will Saves, Slippery Mind, +3 Reflex Saves, Evasion. Take 2 Flaws. Inattentive (-4 Spot and Listen), and Pathetic (For a -2 to our Dex. Damn)
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 2nd || GW2 || +2 || +0 || +3 || +0 || None || Pugilist Improved Unarmed Attack || Put 1 more rank in Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to bring it to 5 ranks, and Jump to 3 ranks. +3 to Fortitude Saves, Die at -20 rather than -10.Unarmed Strike 1d4
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 3rd || GW2/Fskr1 || +3 || +2 || +5 3 || +2 || [[Brutal Offense (3.5e Feat)]] Power Attack || Ability Bonus +21, Forsake Magic, Fast Healing 1, Signature Weapons, (10) Spell Resistance || Put 2 more ranks into Jump, Boosting it to 5. Put 2 ranks in Survival.
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 4th || GW2/Fskr2 || +4 || +3 || +6 3 || +3 || None ||Signature Weapons Ability Bonus +1, Damage Reduction 3/+1/-, Anti-Magic Strike 1/day Destruction|| Boost Con by 1, Put 3 more Ranks in Survival, Boosting it to 5. Put one rank in Heal
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 5th || GW2/Fskr3 || +5 || +4 || +7 || +4 || None || Evasion, Natural Weapons (Magic), Tough Defense , Fast Healing 1 (20) || Put 4 ranks in Heal, Boosting it to 5
|- class="{{Odd-Even}}"
| 6th || GW2/Fskr4 || +6/+1 || +4 || +7 || +4 || [[Hard to Kill (3.5e Feat)]] || Ability Bonus +4/+2, Signature Weapons +2, Damage Reduction 2/-, Anti-Magic Strike 2/day || Gain +1hp/level, Balance Check instead of Reflex Save, If Stunned, you are Dazed Instead, Put 1 more rank in Survival, boosting it to 5.