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Tanarukk (5e)

831 bytes added, 22:10, 30 January 2022
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{{5epointer|Volo's Guide to Monsters}}
{{5e Monster Pointer
|name=Tanarukk <!--Creature Name-->
|sorttext=Demon Tanarukk |refs=<!--Usually blank, category sort--ref name="vgtm.186">{{Cite Pub|pub=Volo's Guide to Monsters |pages=186}} Licensed: &copy; Wizards of the Coast {{fairuc}}.<!--Publication name--/ref>
|size=Medium <!--Medium, Large, etc.-->
|type=Fiend <!--Dragon, Humanoid, Outsider, Swarm, etc.-->
|swarm= <!--if If swarm, enter size of individual creature of the in swarm-->|subtype=Demon , Orc <!--Elf, Goblinoid, etc.-->|subtype2align=Chaotic Evil |ac=154|acfluff=natural armor|hp=95 |hd=Orc|alignspeed=30 ft. |saves=Chaotic Evil <!--Lawful Good, Chaotic Evilbonus to save; {{5eStr}} +5-->|hpskills={{SRD5|Intimidation}}, {{SRD5|Perception}}|damageresistances= {{srd5lc|Fire}}, {{srd5lc|Poison}}|damageimmunity= |conditionimmunity= |senses={{srd5lc|Darkvision}} 60 ft.|perception=95 12 <!--Hit PointsPassive Perception bonus-->|languages={{5elang|Abyssal}}, {{5elang|Common}}, {{5elang|Orc}}|languagelist=Abyssal, Common, Orc
|cr=5 <!--Challenge Rating-->
|xp= <!--Experience points for destroying-->
|desccanon=true|pointer=true|summary={{SRD5|Orc}} turned {{srd5lc|Fiend}} in the womb. <!--UNOFFICIAL/UNPLAGIARIZED 1-2 line unofficial, UNPLAGIRIZED, description of the monster--> |feature1=Aggressive <!--monster feature names up to 10-->Magic Resistance|feature2flimit1=Magic Resistance|feature3fdesc1= {{SRD5trait}} The tanarukk has {{srd5lc|Advantage}} on {{srd5lc|Saving Throw}}s against {{srd5lc|Spell}}s and other magical effects. |action1=Multiattack <!--action names up to 10-->|alimit1=|adesc1= 
|adesc2=''{{SRD5|Melee Weapon Attack}}''
|reation1alimit3=|adesc3=''Melee Weapon Attack'' |baction1=Agressive|blimit1=|bdesc1={{SRD5trait}} As a {{srd5lc|Bonus Action}}, the tanarukk can {{srd5lc|Move}} up to its {{srd5lc|Speed}} toward a hostile {{srd5lc|Creature}} that it can see. |reaction1=Unbridled Fury|rlimit1=|rdesc1=
----==Sources and Notes==<references />{{5e Footer|Monster Breadcrumb}}
[[Category:5e Canon Monsters]]
[[Category:5e Demons|Tanarukk 5e]]
[[Category:5e Orcs|Tanarukk 5e]]