→Playing a Remnant
That is not to say that remnants lack intelligence. Remnants are exceptionally intelligent and have strong mental discipline and control. However, their curiosity is also exceptional, and they have a tendency to indulge it. In fact, they have difficulty in ignoring anything that attracts their interest.
Remnants do not have societies of their own, due in part to their low population, but largely due to their adventurous nature. Remnants tend not to settle anywhere for long, and find ordinary village or city life monotonous and boring. As a result, it does not take long for a remnant to find some sort of trouble in an area—that is something they are renowned for having a talent for—or ti to move on from an "uninteresting" area.
Remnants are not typically an especially pious race, often criticizing clergies as boring or closed-minded. A remnant might find those of the {{I}}divine power source|divine power source]] difficult to get on with at first. Remnants tend to get on best with those of exceptional imagination or intellect, though they also admire those of great courage.