→Remnant Adventurers
Keira is a remnant shaman who was born to human parents of a primal tribe and trained in the ways of nature. Keira has found life among her tribe fascinating, but something drew her to explore the world. Her curiosity soon lead her into trouble, and she was seriously injured in he first adventure. When she came to, she was in a temple surrounded by clerics covered in her own silver blood. Since then, she has learned to use her inborn remnant powers, and has suffered many more injuries, none of which persuaded her to stop adventuring.
Seeker is a remnant psion with two hearts and double the curiousity curiosity and eccentricity to match. Seeker chose his name for himself, but when asked what he is seeking, he simply shrugs and replies that he does not know. Whatever it is he is looking for, his search has lead him into some of the most dangerous places in the world. Seeker delights in the aquisition acquisition of more knowledge, but is also fascinated by arts. Seeker is also concerned with the suffering of others, and tends to pry into other people's buisness business whether they want his help or not.
Eliza is a remnant {{I}}Wizard|wizard]] who has been drawn to the study of magic by her curiosity and her love of knowledge. She is drawn to adventuring so that she can seek out knowledge, particularly pertaining to the arcane. Unlike most remnants, she prays to Ioun for aid in seeking knowledge, not because she is particularly pious, but because she sees Ioun as the best path toward knowledge.