Talk:Evolutions Template (3.5e Evolution)
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I'm somewhat understanding the creature's evolutions, but how do the creature's go about leveling? Familiars, animal companions and summoned creatures don't usually count when a DM hands out exp, to include them would reduce the exp for everybody else.
For example: A pseudodragon familiar is not meant to gain its own exp, how does your template get applied? If your template did transform a familiar pseudodragon which requires the "improved familiar" feat into a pure dragon familiar wouldn't said wizard need the "dragon familiar" feat? or, does this make an exception?
Creature's can gain classes and such on their own (Fear the Squirrel sorcerers!), however does your 'evolution template' stack with them or is it something needed to be seperate?
What are "personal evolutions" how are they gained?
The druids have an 'ritual' to advance a creatures HD by paying XP in one of the specialty books(I've forgotten which book unfortunetly) is this similar?
A monsters HD is basicly its level, advancing a monster's HD is always available (all monster manuals have this option) how does this work with it?
You've got a great idea going here, but there's too many unanswered questions to call the templates "complete"(talk) November 8, 2013 15:30(PDT)
- I just found your animal evolutionist class and it answered everything unfortunetly... I'm depressed that it's limited to an specific class but, lets continue this conversation on talk:Animal Evolutionist (3.5e Class) (talk) November 8, 2013 15:54(PDT)