I actually like a lot of what's in this class, but it's easily on the upper end of the High balance point or even Very High and lacks depth. If you're using Tome scaling feats it is *definitely* VH. This thing is easily capable of destroying level-appropriate challenges with minimal optimization. Sword Trance effectively means you are almost always full-attacking and you certainly will never be doing so as a full-round action again, seeing as it has enough rounds per day of effect to be effectively spammable with reckless abandon (when it comes online at level 3, with 7 character levels, that is probably around 7 (levels) + 5 (Str mod) + 6 (2x class level) = 18 rounds per day, which is... effectively every round of combat and then some). The bonuses attached to it are rather exuberant with that in mind, given how easy it is to activate - any preparation time likely means it will be activated a round before initiative is rolled, and from there you're probably steamrolling everything you can get close to. This ultimately spells a class that might be a little too one-track, which is a shame given some of its Blade Tricks and Called Strikes are interesting mechanics in comparison with other ways I've seen similar concepts handled, so they get undersold. It's a glass cannon in some ways, and some strategies that help buffer that disadvantage with less "full attack as a standard action at level 7, plus numbers" style abilities might be in demand. I feel like the offense-equals-defense mechanic of Parry can probably get more attention for instance, maybe just eating AoOs instead since it's still not infallible. Just my two cents. Might be two dollars, actually - I rambled more than I meant to.