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Thorndyke (MC Race)

Author: Xeadin (talk)
Date Created: 3-22-11
Status: Completed
Editing: Done
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A race whose devotion and pure will to the spirits of the wild and of the divine world have made them independent from civilization.

Racial Traits
Average Height: 5'2" -- 5'9"
Average Weight: 130 -- 185 lbs.
Ability Scores: +2 Strength; +2 Intelligence or Wisdom
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light
Languages: Common, Lucanian
Skill Bonuses: +2 Nature, +2 Religion
Group Insight: You grant all allies within 5 squares of you a +1 racial bonus to Perception and Insight checks.
Rushing Wind: You deal additional damage when you charge or bull rush an opponent equal to your Strength modifier. You also push the opponent 1 additional square.
Thorndyke Perseverance: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Fortitude. You also gain temporary hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier when you become bloodied.
Lucina's Blessing: You can use lucina’s blessing as an at-will power.
Lucina's Blessing
Thorndyke Racial Power
The natural world and the divine realm join together to work in your favor.
Special: You can use this power a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier per encounter, but only once per round.
Minor Action Ranged 5
Target: You or one willing ally in range
Effect: The target gains a +2 bonus to their next attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. You cannot use this power on the same target again until the bonus has been expended.

Highly spiritual intellectuals, they are the season’s philosophers and the high priests of the divine realm. Their hard-work and nomadic ways of life have cultivated themselves into a race of almost pure divinity. They are dutiful and highly territorial. No one is sure if the Thorndykes were the first to establish a controlled, nomadic civilization, but they have figured out how to live in a world full of change and chaotic dangers.

Play a Thorndyke if you want…

  • To protect an age-old religion and to be devoted to the primal and divine powers of the world.
  • To unleash the ferocity of nature upon your enemies and to aid your allies with the divine whispers of the deities’ words.
  • To be a member of a race that favors the Dragoon, Sage, and Warrior classes.

Physical QualitiesEdit

Thorndykes are natural creatures, and they combine both the physical and spiritual qualities of elves and precursors. One key characteristic about thorndykes that makes them different from other races is that they sport a single protrusion from their heads—a sort of minor horn made of bone.
Thorndykes life spans at about 100 years, but some of the most venerable members can live to be about 125 years or more. Elder thorndykes become too weak to travel afar, so they stay close to their homes and load upon their knowledge of their travels to younger scholars.

Playing a ThorndykeEdit

Thorndykes are highly spiritual, both to the natural world and the divine realm. With this combination, they can focus on many situations at once and gain the upper hand by spiritual aid. Most thorndykes don’t let combat get the best of their inner rage that swells within themselves.
Thorndykes are a civilized band of nomads, seeking the thrill of adventure and they enjoy the company of friends—especially those who share a common bond. A typical thorndyke adventurer could go on for days, seeking favorable lands to cultivate and to call home. Many thorndykes go their separate ways once they’ve reached maturity, but most stay together to develop their world and—most importantly—their religion. They rely heavily on their beliefs and have become extremely devoted to the natural and divine worlds that they share their time in. Many sages delve deep into the divine worlds to seek the answers of questions that their ancestors once had that had been long forgotten. Many thorndykes have combined their combat skills with those of the divine realm to create various forms of defense against the varying evils that lurk around the worlds.

Thorndyke Characteristics: Brave, civilized, clever, friendly, intuitive, mystical, nomadic, optimistic, powerful, righteous, spiritual, tenacious, territorial

Male Names: Arken, Baelar, Calven, Delnar, Doran, Elnar, Holan, Klenar, Kitan, Marten, Ordan, Raiden, Thelar, Wistan, Zarnel

Female Names: Bela, Cilia, Elana, Erani, Gisani, Iranel, Ilni, Lorina, Pelane, Selena, Sorali, Viki, Yalani

Thorndyke AdventurersEdit

Three sample Thorndyke adventurers are described below.

Cilia, a thorndyke sage, is a spiritually devoted individual and a kind person to be around with. Her spiritual aid is an example of her embellished nature and her devotion to the great deities that she grew up with. With the power of the divine at her disposal, she can outwit her foes and guide her allies to the heart of the battle or solve tricky puzzles and problems.
Klenar, a thorndyke warrior, is a guardian of the thorndyke religion and to his people. Even without the pure divine essence guiding him, he still has a strong devotion to the great deities of the divine realms. This and his allotted martial combat skills make him the perfect defender and a great asset to his allies. Whenever they are in need of a good friend, they know that they can count on him.
Selena, a throndyke dragoon, is a great bladesmith and one of the most devoted of her kind. Her blade speaks a thousand words from the divine entities that flow within and cleanse her spirit. She has great responsibility with protecting the throndyke religion, and no one does a better job with eradicating her enemies better than her own self. She is not a selfish thinker, and she is a good friend.

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