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Traveling (3.5e Weave)

Author: Foxwarrior (talk)
Date Created: 1/12/11
Status: Just started
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saidar, saidin, True Power (Earth, Fire, Spirit)
Prerequisites: Basic Earth Weaving, Basic Fire Weaving, Basic Spirit Weaving, level 9
Minimum Cost: 8
Casting time: 1 full round
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Effect: A rectangular portal from one place to another
Duration: Sustain or Tie Off
Saving Throw: Reflex negates (see text)
Spell Resistance: No

A vertical line appears in the air, dropping down to become a rectangular passageway to another place.

Casting Traveling costs 8 points of energy, before other increases are applied.

You create a 5' square, vertically aligned, portal in each of two places, one of which is within Close range. Objects in the path of the portal as it is created or closed are sliced clean through; creatures may make a Reflex save to avoid taking 10d8 points of Slashing damage. If the number of miles away the target portal is from you is greater than the number of minutes you have spent within 100' of your current location, you must spend additional points of energy to make up the difference. Creating a portal increases the effective number of minutes you have spent at this location by 100 each time.

Anything that passes through one of the portals exits the other, making them be effectively the same place for range, area of effect, and threatening purposes, among other things.

An aberration that passes through one of the portals exits the other portal dead.

Portals are completely impassible on the reverse side.

You can make the portal larger than a 5' square, at the cost of 5 points of energy for each additional 5' square you wish to add to the size of the portal. The portal must always be rectangular in shape.

Sustain: Sustaining the portal takes a standard action and the same amount of energy as you spent to create it to sustain it for 1 more round.

Tie Off: Tying off the portal takes a full-round action and twice as much energy as you spent to create it.

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