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Glevend Perevik

CR —

male human artificer 17
CG medium humanoid (human)
Init/Senses +2/Listen +0, Spot +0
AC 27, touch 17, flat-footed 25
(+5 armor, +5 natural armor, +5 deflection, +2 dexterity)
Miss Chance 20%
hp 136 (17 HD)
Resist universal energy resistance 10
Fort/Ref/Will +12/+12/+15
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged +1 great dislocator crystal longbow +17 (1d8+2, 20/×3) plus 30 ft. teleportation 3/day (will DC 20 negates)
Base Atk/Grp +12/+12
Atk Options point blank shot (+1 attack and damage within 30 ft.), precise shot (no penalty for firing into melee)
Special Actions metamagic spell trigger (reach spell, empower spell, maximize spell), metamagic spell completion (reach spell, empower spell, maximize spell), skill mastery (use magic device)
Combat Gear infinite scrollcase (holds fifty scrolls, draw scroll as a weapon, +4 to cast from scroll defensively), wand of repair light damage, wand of repair moderate damage, wand of repair serious damage, wand of repair critical damage
Abilities Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 33, Wis 10, Cha 12
SQ artificer knowledge, artisan bonus, disable trap, item creation, craft homunculus, retain essence
Feats legendary artisan, point blank shot, scribe scroll, extraordinary artisan, brew potion, precise shot, craft wondrous item, reach spell, craft magic arms and armor, improved homunculus, craft wand, craft construct, empower spell, craft rod, etch schema, craft staff, maximize spell, forge ring, craft contingent spell, extra rings
Skills appraise 20 ranks + 11 ability = 31 (+2 synergy = 33 related to weapons, armor, masonry, or sculpting), concentration 20 ranks + 2 ability = 22, craft (alchemy) 1 ranks + 11 ability = 12, craft (weaving) 2 ranks + 11 ability = 13, craft (weaponsmithing) 6 ranks + 11 ability = 17, craft (armorsmithing) 11 ranks + 11 ability = 22, craft (stonemasonry) 11 ranks + 11 ability = 22, craft (sculpting) 6 ranks + 11 = 17, disable device 20 ranks + 11 ability = 31, heal 1 rank + 0 ability = 1, knowledge (arcana) 20 ranks + 11 ability = 31, open lock 13 ranks + 2 ability = 15, search 20 ranks + 11 ability = 31, spellcraft 20 ranks + 11 ability + 2 synergy = 33 (+2 synergy = 35 to decipher scrolls), use magic device 20 ranks + 1 ability = 21 (+2 = 23 involving scrolls)
Possessions combat gear plus magic bedroll (endure elements while sleeping, heal 1 hp per character level after rest), +1 twilight mithral chain shirt, artificer's monocle (artificer knowledge identifies items), +1 great dislocator crystal longbow, minor cloak of displacement, greater bracers of archery, heward's handy haversack, bag of holding type IV, vest of resistance +5, portable hole, headband of intellect +6, amulet of natural armor +5, ring of protection +5, greater ring of master artifice, ring of continual invisibility (continual invisibility, as the spell), minor ring of universal energy resistance, alchemical lab, magic item lab, 52,362.5 gold
Patron Deity Ktenkath

Black and White

CR —

iron defenders
CG small construct
Init/Senses +8/darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, telepathy with Glevend out to a number of miles equal to Glevend's level; Listen +2, Spot +15
Languages same as Glevend
AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 20
(+10 natural armor, +4 dexterity, +1 size)
hp 160 (15 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +5/+9/+5; evasion
Speed 50 ft., fly 40 ft. (perfect), swim 20 ft.
Melee bite +17 (1d6+3, 20/×2)
Base Atk/Grp +11/+13
Abilities Str 14, Dex 18, Con —, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 7
SQ construct traits
Feats weapon focus (bite), combat reflexes, weapon finesse, improved initiative, blind-fight, evasive reflexes
Skills listen 2 ranks + 0 ability = 2, move silently 1 rank + 4 ability = 5, spot 15 ranks + 0 ability = 15

Glevend's iron defender homunculi, who act primarily as scouts but can hold their own in combat.


CR —

brass steed
N large construct
Init/Senses +1/darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +0, Spot +0
AC 20, touch 10, flat-footed 19
(+10 natural, +1 dex, -1 size)
hp 190 (16 HD); DR 5/adamantine
Immune spells that allow spell resistance (acid damage slows for 1d3 rounds; fog cloud, obscuring mist, and solid fog entangle for 1d6 rounds; fire damage breaks slow or entangle effects and heal 1/3 damage)
Fort/Ref/Will +5/+6/+5
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +19 (1d8+7, 20/×2) and 2 hooves +14 (1d6+3, 20/2×2)
Ranged eye ray +13 (8d6 fire, 20/×2, 100 ft. range, once every 4 rounds, can be used as part of full attack)
Space/Reach 10 ft./5 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +12/+19
Abilities Str 24, Dex 12, Con —, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 1
SQ construct traits
Feats run

Glevend's brass steed, who serves as a combatant and transport. However, his primary purpose in combat is to avoid the fray, in an attempt to trick the enemies into thinking that he's important so that they waste their efforts on him.


Glevend's dedicated wright homunculus, who has a +7 to craft (alchemy) and a +4 to craft (sculpting). He is kept in the portable hole along with the magic item lab and alchemical lab.


CR —

ironwyrm golem
N huge construct
Init/Senses -2/darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Listen +2, Spot +2
AC 41, touch 6, flat-footed 41
(+35 natural armor, -2 dexterity, -2 size)
hp 840 (80 HD); DR 15/magic and adamantine
Immune magic (cold slows for three rounds; fire ends slow effect and heals 1/3 damage), rust
Fort/Ref/Will +26/+24/+28
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +84 (4d8+24, 20/×2), 2 claws +79 (3d8+12, 20/×2), 2 wings +79 (3d6+12, 20/×2), and tail slap +79 (3d8+24, 20/×2)
Space/Reach 15 ft./10 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +60/+84
Special Actions breath weapon every 1d4 rounds (60 ft. cone, 20d10 fire damage, reflex DC 50 half)
Abilities Str 58, Dex 6, Con —, Int —, Wis 14, Cha 19
SQ construct traits

Glevend's ironwyrm golem, whose sole purpose is melee combat.