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< User:DanielDraco


CR —

Male Flying Squirrel fighter 3
CG tiny animal
Init/Senses +8/lowlight vision, scent; Listen -5, Spot -5
Languages Squirrelese, Ratese, Batese, Catese
AC 23, touch 20, flat-footed 15
(+8 dexterity, +2 size, +2 mwk studded leather, +1 mwk buckler)
hp 36 (3 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +5/+8/+0
Weakness inattentive flaw (-4 to spot and listen)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.; glide 20 ft. horizontal / 10 ft. down
Melee shortsword +11 (1d3-2, 19-20/×2), handaxe +11 (1d3-2, 20/×3), and bite +6 (1d3-2, 20/×2) or
Melee shortsword +13 (1d3-2, 19-20/×2)
Space/Reach 2 1/2 ft./0 ft.
Base Atk/Grp +3/+1
Atk Options combat expertise
Abilities Str 6, Dex 22, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 9, Cha 6
SQ skill mastery (climb)
Feats two-weapon fighting, weapon finesse, weapon focus (shortsword), weapon focus (handaxe), combat expertise, improved trip (no AoO from trip, +4 on str check, free attack after successful trip), high sword low axe (free trip if I hit one creature with both sword and axe in one round; improved trip applies), close-quarters fighting (grappling bonuses, see CW), improved buckler defense (gain buckler AC bonus even with two weapons)
Skills balance 0 ranks + 8 ability + 8 racial = 16, climb 4 ranks + 8 ability + 8 racial = 20, jump 4 ranks + 8 ability + 8 racial = 20, listen 0 ranks - 1 ability - 4 inattentive flaw = -5, spot 0 ranks - 1 ability - 4 inattentive flaw = -5, swim 4 ranks - 2 ability = 2, tumble 3 ranks + 8 ability = 11
Possessions masterwork studded leather armor, masterwork handaxe, masterwork shortsword, masterwork buckler, 559.5 gp