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User:Zhenra-Khal/Realms Of Beyond/Character Options

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Character OptionsEdit


Feats are something a character can learn and accomplish, such as learning to follow through with an attack to hit another foe or give a new use for a skill.

Rather than gaining new feats using the normal progression, the characters can spend time, gold and XP training to accomplish the feat. They can have a number of feat levels up to twice their character level, not counting bonus feats. Feat Level corresponds to the feat's balance point - Low: 1; Moderate: 2; High: 3; Very High: 4. All character start with 1 bonus feat at 1st level and may start with up to two Flaws; Each Flaw grants an additional bonus feat. The character must qualify for these special bonus feats.

When training feats, refer to the table below. "ML" refers to Minimum Level, the lowest character level at which the feat can be obtained, as referred to in the feat's prerequisites. Just like making a magic item, training a feat cannot be done if the XP cost would reduce your level.

A VH feat with a minimum level of 20 would cast 20,000 GP, 15,000 XP and 200 days. Needless to say, Epic-level feats are costly.

Table: Feat Costs
Balance Level Gold Cost XP Cost Time Cost
Low 100GP/ML 75XP/ML 1 Day/ML
Moderate 300GP/ML 225XP/ML 3 Days/ML
High 500GP/ML 375XP/ML 5 Days/ML
Very High 1,000GP/ML 750XP/ML 10 Days/ML


Everyone has skills, whether they be good, bad or jut plain mediocre at them. This is the section that hows you how to define and ue these skills.

Every class gives you a certain number of Skill Points, which may be spent on Skills. Skills come in three variations - Primary, Secondary, and Cross-Class - Each representing a different level of familiarity with the skill.

Primary skills are those most likely for your class to be good at - A fighter will be good at Combat, a Wizard will be skilled in Witchcraft and Arcana, and so forth.

Secondary skills are those your class is likely to be familiar with, but not a master of - Such as Craftsmanship or Persuasion for the Fighter.

Cross-Class skills are those that would be difficult for your character to pick up - Such as Technology for a Barbarian.

Each skill has a maximum number of ranks attainable based on your level of familiarity in them, and your level of experience. Likewise, each group of skills costs a bit more than others.

These skills are the same as normal D&D 3.5e skills, but with some changes, as described below.

Skill points are multiplied by 4 at the first level in each base class, not just first character level.

Every class has Primary class skills, in which each skill point spent gains you a rank, and your maximum skill ranks are equal to your class level +3. They also have Secondary class skills, which function the same except that each even-numbered rank costs two points, and they have a maximum of 3/4 your max Primary skill ranks. Finally, all other skills are cross-class skills, advanced at a rate of 1 rank for every 2 points spent, as normal.

Table: Skills And Ability Scores
Skill Default Ability Score
Acrobatics Agility
Arcana Logic
Athletics Stamina
Calligraphy Logic
Combat Accuracy
Concentration Command
Craftsmanship Memory
Deception Guile
Dungeoneering Logic
Etiquette Memory
Handle Animal Guile
Heal Intuition
History Memory
Nature Cognizance
Perception Cognizance
Perform Guile
Persuasion Guile
Planar Lore Memory
Religion Intuition
Spellcraft See below.
Stealth Accuracy
Tamper Accuracy
Technology Logic
Truespeak Memory
Use Magic Device Command
Table: Max Skill Ranks By Level
Class Level Max Skill Rank Rank Cost
1st 1 0 0 1 - -
2nd 2 1 1 1 1 2
3rd 3 2 1 1 1 -
4th 4 3 2 1 2 2
5th 5 3 2 1 - -
6th 6 4 3 1 1 2
7th 7 5 3 1 1 -
8th 8 6 4 1 2 2
9th 9 6 4 1 - -
10th 10 7 5 1 1 2
11th 11 8 5 1 1 -
12th 12 9 6 1 2 2
13th 13 9 6 1 - -
14th 14 10 7 1 1 2
15th 15 11 7 1 1 -
16th 16 12 8 1 2 2
17th 17 12 8 1 - -
18th 18 13 9 1 1 2
19th 19 14 9 1 1 -
20th 20 15 10 1 2 2

Skill DescriptionsEdit

Acrobatics: Acrobatics performs all the functions of the Balance, Jump and Tumble skills.

Arcana: Arcana performs all the functions of the Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge Math & Physics and Craft (Alchemy) skills.

Athletics: Athletics performs all the functions of the Climb and Swim skills.

Calligraphy: Calligraphy performs all the functions of the Forgery, Decipher Script and Craft (Calligraphy) skills.

Combat: This skill functions as the Attack skill, in place of Base Attack Bonus. It also acts as the Martial Lore skill.

Concentration: Concentration performs all the functions of the Concentration, Autohypnosis and Control Shape skills.

Craftsmanship: Craftsmanship performs all the functions of the Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering), Craft (Except Alchemy and Calligraphy) and Appraise skills.

Deception: Deception performs all the functions of the Bluff, Disguise and Sleight of Hand skills.

Dungeoneering: Dungeoneering performs all the functions of the Knowledge (Dungeoneering) and Use Rope skills.

Etiquette: Etiquette performs all the functions of the Knowledge (Local) skill and some of the functions of the Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) skill.

Handle Animal: Handle Animal performs all the functions of the Handle Animal and Ride skills.

Heal: Heal performs all the functions of the Heal and Heal - Advanced Medical skills.

History: History performs all the functions of the Knowledge (History) and (Nobility and Royalty) skills.

Nature: Nature performs all the functions of the Knowledge (Nature) and (Geography), and Survival skills.

Perception: Perception performs all the functions of the Spot, Listen, Search, Sense Motive and Scent skills.

Perform: This skill performs all the functions of the Perform skill.

Persuasion: Persuasion performs all the functions of the Diplomacy, Intimidate and Gather Information skills.

Planar Lore: Planar Lore performs all the functions of the Knowledge (The Planes) skill.

Religion: Religion performs all the functions of the Knowledge (Religion) skill.

Spellcraft: Spellcraft performs all the functions of the Spellcraft and Psicraft skills, in addition to the uses listed in the Magic section.

Stealth: Stealth performs all the functions of the Hide and Move Silently skills.

Tamper: Tamper performs all the functions of the Disable Device, Open Lock and Escape Artist skills.

Technology: Technology performs all the functions of the Program, Knowledge Xeno and Craft Xeno- skills.

Truespeak: Truespeak performs all the functions of the Truespeak skill.

Use Magic Device: Use Magic Device performs all the functions of the Use Magic Device and Use Psionic Device skills.


Table: Talent Tiers And Costs
Talent Minimum
Point Cost
Category Max Tier Improvement
Common 10 1 / 3 Levels 1st 1
Uncommon 5 1 / 4 Levels 3rd 2
Rare 3 1 / 6 Levels 5th 5
Legendary 1 N/A 10th 10




The presence of wild magic has spawned many random mutations among creatures. Any character may choose a single Mutation upon character creation.

Brute: Your strength is legendary. You gain a +2 bonus to Strength, and you gain Powerful build, which means you're able to count as one size larger when it would be beneficial, such as for Grapple checks, determining what size of weapons you can use, and carrying capacity. However, either your muscle mass interferes with your agility (Causing you to take a -2 penalty to Dexterity), OR your body has bulked up physically at the expense of mental prowess (Causing you to take a -2 penalty to Intelligence). You cannot take both this Mutation and the Slight mutation. This mutation can only be taken once.

Extra Limbs: You possess an extra set of arms or legs, chosen when you gain this mutation. Regardless of which you choose, from now on, you use the non-humanoid costs for armor, as armor must be custom-made for you. If you choose to gain an additional pair of arms, you can wield more weapons than usual, as well as gaining two additional Ring, Gauntlet and Bracelet slots (Which means an additional Hands and Arms chakra). If you choose to gain an additional pair of legs, you gain two additional Boot slots (Granting you an additional Feet chakra), your base speed increases by 10ft, and your carrying capacity increases as appropriate for a quadruped. A quadruped riding a horse or something similar is absurd; A creature must be 2 sizes larger than you for you to ride it, rather than just 1 size larger. However, creatures a size smaller than you can ride you as a mount. This mutation can be taken multiple times, each time granting you an additional pair of arms or legs, up to two additional pairs of legs and two additional pairs of arms.

Awakened Mind: Your mind is stronger than most, having awakened beyond normal capacities. You gain a +2 bonus to either Intelligence or Wisdom, and the Psionic subtype. You gain Telepathy out to 60ft, but communication requires a shared language. You can telekinetically move unattended objects within 60 feet of you weighing no more than 5 pounds per character level, with an additional 5 pounds per point of Intelligence or Wisdom bonus (Whichever ability score you choose this mutation to give you a bonus to). However, either your open mind makes you more susceptible to mental attacks (Causing you to suffer a -3 penalty against all mind-affecting effects), OR your mental advancement has caused your body to suffer (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Strength). This mutation can only be taken once.

Bonded Twins: Your character is in fact not one being, but a pair of identical twins who share a special link. Your character possesses two bodies, with the same statistics, including class, feats, skills and so on - Effectively, one character with two bodies and two sets of actions. However, each twin possesses one-half the hit point you rolled for the character (Rounded up), but each twin adds their Constitution bonus separately. When one twin is affected by a mind-affecting ability, both are affected; Likewise, if such an ability targets both of them, they make a single saving throw, not two, as they share a mind. Because of this, they can communicate telepathically at an unlimited range and across planar boundaries, though one twin does not perceive what the other perceives. As a full-round action, a bonded twin can determine his twin's current hit points and mental state. If one twin is on the same plane as the other, the twin learns the relative direction and distance to his partner.

If one bonded twin dies, the other slowly sickens and perishes. Each day that passes after a bonded twin dies, the surviving twin takes 1d4 points of Constitution and Wisdom damage and takes a cumulative -1 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws. The ability damage and penalties remain (and cannot be healed or removed) until the living twin dies or his soulmate returns to life (at which time they immediately disappear). Most bonded twins prefer to commit ritual suicide if one twin dies without hope of return, as the pain of losing the close bond drives a bonded twin to the brink of madness.

In most cases, an effect that applies to one twin fails to spill over to the other. If a medusa turns one twin to stone, the other remains healthy. Negative levels are an exception to this rule. If one bonded twin suffers a negative level, both of them incur its effects. The pair of twins makes one save to remove the negative level. Level loss caused by returning to life via a raise dead or similar spell affects both twins.

Bonded twins gain double the bonuses when both twins are flanking a target; The same applies to the Aid Another action. Finally, any harmless spell the bonded twins use upon themselves also affects the other twin - If one twin heals themselves, the other also receives the healing; If a twin casts Haste, both twins gain the benefit for the duration. However, in order to share spells, the twins must be on the same plane (Unless the spell has the Extradimensional metamagic applied) AND this never applies to spells cast by others, only spells cast by one of the twins.

Magic items that boost one twin's physical abilities do not apply their effects to the other twin, but mental magic items do, as well as items that produce non-physical effects, like items that grant spell resistance. The Bonded Twins mutation can only be taken once.

Dual Soul: You possess two souls, two minds, two personalities, within a single body. Each soul generally possesses a different alignment and may possess different mental ability scores. Willingly changing which personality is on the surface is a move action that can be done once per round. Having two souls splits your personality. When targeted by an effect that triggers a Will saving throw, or a Death effect, you roll the saving throw twice - Once for each personality. If both personalities fail, the character is affected normally; But if one personality succeeds and the other fails, the character continues to function, though they are usually confused for the duration. If the death effect slays one of the personalities, the other personality suffers from madness, being confused until they die or the other personality is restored, as well as suffering a -2 penalty on all Will saves and saves against Death effects per lost personality. However, having two minds allows you to concentrate on up to two spells at a time with the same standard action, including casting a spell without losing concentration on another, and you likewise roll Concentration checks twice, once for each personality. This mutation can be taken up to two times, adding up to two personalities to the character.

Durable: Your durability is legendary. You gain a +2 bonus to Constitution. You also possess Regeneration, the value of which is equal to one-third of your character level, +1 (Thus at 3rd level, you would have Regeneration 2). Upon taking this mutation, you choose one energy type (Fire, Acid, Cold, Electricity or Sonic), one special material (Adamantine, Byeshk, Silver, or Cold Iron) and one alignment component that doesn't match your alignment. Damage caused by these damage types/weapons aligned with these types overcome your Regeneration, dealing normal damage to you. You also possess natural armor equal to 1 plus one-fifth of your character level. However, your durability either makes you bulky (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Dexterity) or affects your appearance in a detrimental way (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Charisma). This mutation can only be chosen once.

Bestial: Your form is savage, having animal traits. You gain three natural weapons - One primary (Such as a bite or gore) and up to two secondary attacks (Such as claws or slams). You also have natural armor equal to one-quarter of your character level, and your base speed is increased by +5ft for every 4 character levels you possess. You also choose one special movement type - Such as climb, swim, fly or burrow. You gain a movement speed of this type, with a speed equal to one-half your base speed (Rounded up). If you gain a Fly speed, your maneuverability is Average. However, either your savage appearance makes social situations difficult (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Charisma), OR your wild ways kept you away from society and you were never educated properly (Causing you to take a -2 penalty to Intelligence). This mutation can only be chosen once.

Slight: Your body is smaller and more lithe than others of your kind. You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity, and Slight Build, which allows you to function as one size smaller whenever it would be beneficial. You also gain bonus to AC, attack rolls and Hide checks as if you were one size smaller. However, either you aren't as muscular as the larger members o your kind (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Strength) or your slender frame makes you more frail than normal (Causing you to suffer a -2 penalty to Constitution). You cannot take both this Mutation and the Brute mutation. This mutation can only be taken once.