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1-2 combat engineers 1-4 tooth-tail for infantry (mine are universally mechanized so AFVs and CFVs as well as LAVs included here) 1-6 tooth-tail for tanks 1-7 for artillery (mobile and MLRS) 1-10 Helicopters (attack, multirole and transport) 1-15 Multirole Fighter 1-17 Air Superiority Fighter

(naval gets really complex but in the end it's about 1-5 including air craft carriers) thats number of people not number of vehicles etc. so one tanker per 6 support personnel or 24 support personnel per tank.

DnD Munchkins

For nation states.

Current population : 30 million

Armed forces make up about 2%:500,000

Budget: 15.468 billion (projected)

Military Forces:

Army: 250,000

Logistical Personnel: 125,000

Airforce: 125,000

Logistical Personnel: 80,000

Navy: 125,000

Logistical Personnel: 80,000

Equipment: Bought at:

200,000x Lycos Combat Machete ($20 million)

200,000x Blacktalon Combat Gloves ($16 million)

200,000x Mamba Tactical Boots ($40 million)

200,000x Multispectral Disruptive Pattern Camouflage Uniform ($16 million)

200,000x LY20 High lethality advanced rifle (HILAR) ($500 million)

200,000x LY46 'Hellhammer' .50cal handgun ($300 million)

25,000x MGJ21 'Mary Jane' Light Machine Gun ($50 million)

10,000x GR-88 Grenadier Rifle ($47 million)

1,000x Lyran Battlehound Attack Dogs ($10 million)

1,000x Arachne Body Armor ($700,000)

1,000x Auditory Implants ($500,000)

5,000x LY83 "Fox" Light Multirole 4 x 4 Utility Vehicle ($500 million) -1,000 normal, 1,000 with LY64 GPMG, 1,000 with LY60 HMG, and 1,000 with LY221 Little Shepherd AA system

10x LY300 Manticore Multiple Rocket System ($70 million) 5 with cruise missiles, 5 with 30x220mm rockets

15x King Sheperd Anti-Aircraft System ($270 million)

40x LY219 Armoured Multirole Tactical Vehicle (AMTV) ($193.5 million) -10x Ambulance ($41 million) -10x IFV ($42.5 million) -10x Anti-tank Missile System ($52.5 million) -10x Stormdrake System ($57.5 million)

2x Minotaur Strategic Cargo Aircraft ($600 million)

5x E-LY908A 'Darkhawk' ($535 Million)

2x KC-747 'Galt' aerial refueling tanker ($620 Million)


10,000x LR-1M ($5 million)

100,000x Warheads for the LR-1M ($20-40 million)

5,000x MA-14 ($400 million)

From: Lyran Arms( Heavy Mechanised Division Package

130 x LY9/M22 Dire Wolf Heavy Tank

490 x LY224 Sorcha HIFV

20 x LY224 Armoured Recovery

5 x LY224 Command Vehicles

25 x LY7/222 King Shepherd STMRAD

72 x LY300 Manticore MRS

30 x LY6 Werewolf Assault Gun/Tank Destroyer

3000 x HEMT trucks

80 x TRA-92 "Eiko" Light Attack Helicopters

10 x K45A2 'Vandal' Light Utility Helicopter

1 x LY471 Skyguard Battery

20,000 x AY144L assault rifles

2,000 x LY20 HILAR

5,000 MGJ-21 LMGs

2,000 x GR-88 grenadier rifles

40,000 x LY1002 ‘Hellsbreath’ grenades

40,000 x Blacktalon combat gloves (pair)

40,000 x Mamba tactical boots (pair)

10,000 x Badger Trench Axe

10,000 x Lycos Combatant Machete

40,000 x Multispectral camouflage uniforms (set
