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Ocean Tainted

Beings who spend too much time in the water eventually become warped by its inhabiants, and eventually adapt their bodies according to their environment. Well known examples of the variety and extent of ocean taint are the crew of Davy Jones, in the Pirates of the Carribean.

Creating an Ocean Tainted

Ocean tainted is an aquired template that can be added to any corporeal, non-aquatic creature (hereafter refered to as the base creature), provided it spends time in the water according to Table: Water&Size.

An Ocean Tainted uses all of the base creatures statistics exccept as noted here.

Size and Type

The creature gains the aquatic subtype. Size is unchanged.

Hit Die

Do not recalculate Hit Die, Base Attack Bonus or Saves.

Armour Class

The base creatures Natural Armour increases by 3.

Special Attacks

An Ocean tainted retains all the attacks of the base creature