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Publication:Jakandor, Land of Legend

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Jakandor, Land of Legend
System: Dungeons and Dragons 2e 
Abbreviation: — 
Author: Dale Donovan 
Publisher: TSR 
Item Code: 09472 
Publication Date: 1998 
Format: Paperback 
Page Count: 144-page perfect-bound book, fold-out map
"-pageperfect-boundbook,fold-outmap" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 144.
ISBN-10: 0786912464 
ISBN-13: 978-0786912469 
Product Blurb
The battle for Jakandor is joined as two cultures clash - fierce barbarians and powerful wizards who both believe their destiny is to destroy the other! In such struggles legends are forged!

Jakandor, Land of Legend brings the epic struggle of the Jakandor ODYSSEY trilogy to its startling climax. The Knorr and the Charonti are embroiled in a blood feud to claim ownership of their island home: Here are the legendary battles that will either unite two nations or destroy them.

This product presents an anthology of adventures and the tools to run an exciting campaign in this land of feuding barbarians and wizards. Additional sites, details of Jakandor's wilderness, and expanded random encounter charts are part of the package. A full-color map features the first true view of the island, combining the Knorr east with the Charonti west.

The adventures, adaptable to either society, allow players to explore both the Knorrman and the Charonti cultures. Included is a scenario to help DMs add Jakandor to their existing AD&D campaigns, as well as a large adventure that explores an extensive underground ruin. Finally, rules are presented for battles between the gigantic magical constructs of both cultures.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

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