User:Spazalicious Chaos/The Book of Frenzied Warfare (3.5e Sourcebook)/Objects
The object damage rules have been long overdue for a rewrite, methinks. And so here it is.
Objects in Combat
Objects play vital roles in combat, from weapons and armor used to terrain features. However, the way objects are presented they seem like a separate system, which is horse shit. Thus, the following changes are instituted:
- Sundering: You may have noticed that sundering is gone as a combat option in the previous section, but that is for a reason: sundering happens all the time. Whenever a character uses his parry defense and is armed with a weapon (not a natural attck or unarmed strike), all missed attacks still deal damage, but it is applied instead to the defenders weapon or shield (defenders choice.) See the below section for more information.
- Moving and Sationary Defense: Moving objects are the norm for combat, thus their defense has a base of 10, as per usual. However, an object that is not weilded at all is way easier to hit, and thus their defense is calsulated with a base Defense of 5. This also applies to stationary character that aren't moving at all, like unconsious characters. By contrast, fast moving objects, like arrows in flight, have a base DC of 20 and can only be targeted with a readied action. While this can apply to characters and monsters, it only applies if a character is moving faster than 50 feet per second (300 feet a round.) Example: in a fit of black dynamite-style awesomeness, Kjrnias the Drow declares he wants to attack an arrow. How impressive this is depends on what the arrow is doing: Defense 9 for a arrow sitting still (yawn), 14 for an arrow being tossed to him (meh), or 24 for an arrow being shot into his eye (dynamite!)
- Object Strength: For the purposes of grappling and moving objects, objects have a strength score equal to 10+ DR+ size modifier. This is important for when character are trying to stop a "Lost Arch" style rolling boulder trap, for weather conditions like waves and winds, and for when characters try to bear-hug swords to death.
- Object vs Object Impact: An object that strikes another object must overcome the object DR to deal damage or else take the damage it deals onto itself. In this case, the objects own DR applies to this "recoil" damage, but only half of it's DR is applied. The other risk is an object that deals damge to another object equaling the targets DR embeds, becoming stuck in the target and requiring a DC 10 Strength check to remove, adding one to the DC for every 2 points of damage dealt inaddition to the embedding damage. If the target is destroyed, however, embedding never happens.
Hit Points and DR
Objects do not have individual sections regardless of size in this variant. For super massive objects (walls, ships, etc.) simply add the hit points of all sections together to form a grand hit point total. Example: the caravel sailing ship has 2,160 hit points in this variant. Hardness is DR still, but now actively counts as natural armor, leaving object to benefit from armor as well. For items of composite materials, use only the highest DR of the materials used unless that material only composes 10% or less of the items makeup. Objects are now subject to critical hits, but weapons have their critical multiplier reduced by 1 when attacking objects for damage purposes.
Object Status Conditions
Objects have two sets of status conditions: standard and critical. Standard status conditions are applied via the normal wearing away of the items hit points, and thus are an eventuality. Critical conditions are applied on a critical hit, and usually highly disruptive to an items functions. Critical conditions can be applied via normal attacks, but this raises the objects defense by 6 and requires a toatl of 10% hit point loss from the start of the assualt to the 10% mark. This 10% rule applies only at the start of an attack; objects are much easier to disable once they have been softened up.
The Standard Conditions are as follows:
- 100% >HP >90%- Scuffed: The item is chewed up looking and fugly, resulting in a -1 to all Charisma based skill check made by the owner of the item when the item is visable.
- HP >80%- Stess Fractures 1: The objects DR drops by 1.
- HP >50%- Broken: The object is busted up and nearly useless, imposing a -2 to all rolls involving its use. Vehicles reduce their meanueverability by one step.
- HP >30%- Stress Fractures 2: The pbjects DR drops by 1, stacking with Stress Fractures 1.
- HP >20%- Busted: The object is now impossible to use, vehicles can no longer move and begin to fall if airborne or sink if waterborne. However, the object is still salavageble.
- HP >10%- Stress Fractures 3: The Objects DR drops by 1, stacking with Stress Fractures 1 and 2.
- Hp =0- Destroyed: The object is completely destroyed and non-salvageble.
Critical Conditions- Vehicles
Vehicle is the term for a composite structure that is designed to move through or over a medium.
- Stopped: The vehicle can not move.
- Locked: The vehicle can not change direction or speed.
- Opening: A hole is created in the vehicle large enough for a charcter one size smaller than the weapon used to walk through.
- System Failure: The vehicles loses the ability to use a bit of equipment, such as a weapon, navigation system, or access to an area of the ship, as decided by the GM.
Critical Conditions- Solitary Objects
Solitary object is the category for most items that are just present and can be manipulated without interferring with other objects.
- Opening: A hole is created in the object large enough for a charcter one size smaller than the weapon used to walk through.
- Insound: The objects structure is compromised, halving it's effective DR. This stacks with Stress Fractures.
- Flattened: The objects dimenions suffer a redistribution, forming into dimenions of the attackers choice within reasonable limits.
- Divided: A piece of the object breaks off, a total presentage of the object equal to the damage dealt.
Critical Conditions- Fortifications
Fortifications and structures are terrain features or things that support weight.
- Opening: A hole is created in the structure large enough for a charcter one size smaller than the weapon used to walk through.
- Insound: The structures integerty is compromised, halving it's effective DR. This stacks with Stress Fractures.
- Divided: A piece of the structure breaks off, a total presentage of the object equal to the damage dealt.
- Structural Flaw: A vital part of the foundation is damaged, and the structure will automatically fall to 20% HP in a number of hours equal to 100-the damage dealt.