Dungeons and Dragons Wiki talk:Canon Content Requirements

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Revision as of 10:12, 4 February 2012 by Daranios (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Starting point== Now I have tried to formulate policies and guidelines for the Canon section, also including DnDWiki:DnD:Other wikis. I would see this as a starting point, ...")
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Starting point[edit]

Now I have tried to formulate policies and guidelines for the Canon section, also including DnDWiki:DnD:Other wikis. I would see this as a starting point, where we can discuss if anything has to be added, changed, reformulated.
Does anyone think we could say something like we do not require sources for short summary articles refering to another wiki, if the article we refer to has sources? Would the link to the respective article be enough to satisfy us with regard to copyright? This would make creating such articles a lot easier.
Also, it would be great if we could get shortcuts to Forgotten Realms, Eberron, and Spelljammer Wiki. Daranios 10:12, 4 February 2012 (UTC)