Talk:Lion's Bear-trap (4e Power)

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Revision as of 04:20, 17 April 2012 by Jay Freedman (talk | contribs) (Buff this skill? What do you guys think? Any 4e players out there?)
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Needs a Buff maybe?

So I'm thinking of making this a 'Burst' Ability. Instead of locking-down only the fleeing enemy, it locks-down all the enemies adjacent to you too. Doesn't damage them, just immobilizes them until your next turn is over. Gives it much more 'Umph!', ya know. So help me out here guys. Is buffing this really gonna be a big deal? I don't think so.

Anyway. Here's my thinking so far... If your an Archer and an enemy or two gets adjacent to your character, thats bad. But this ability can only be used in 'Melee'. Thats with a sword right. Meaning you'd need to switch weapons. Hmm? So a swordsman would see this ability used much more often than an archer would. I mean, think primary stat build. Str vs Dex. How often is an Archer gonna switch and duke it out. I know, my thoughts too.

  • The arguments... Locking down the fleeing enemy is no big deal cause it's already his turn and he wanted to move. Bam, interrupted! But locking down everyone around you has moderate a chance of having your foes be immobilized at the 'beginning' of their own turn. Especially if your already surrounded and the fleeing enemy is the first turn to go. Unfair much?

My thoughts... Your still surrounded, so they are still going to beat on you. They just can't run away or chase people now. It's totally fair.

  • The arguments... Can be used once an encounter and possibly up to four times a day. ...Or more. Meaning it's kinda your thing now. Bam, lock-downs for everybody! So your DM will see it a bunch of times during the Paragon Tier. So it makes you an 'official' secondary Defender and Controller now. Start the fight, charge in, and lock em' down.

My thoughts... Umm, Paragon Tier? Hello. Nobody is gonna complain about you stepping on their toes past level 10. This isn't level 1 and I'm outclassing the Paladin again. Besides, the more effective this is, ...The more 'surrounded' your Striker is. Duh.

  • The arguments... But you can combine this with Lv.7 Lion's Whirlwind for an easy Synergy to your Burst Damage. And that throws enemies and puts them prone too. Isn't this a setup move with room to exploit? You can use that combo every encounter for Pete's sake.

My thoughts... Uh yeah, sure you can setup for an 'expose and exploit' trap. But isn't that just good play style. Being an awesome Striker. Doing your job. Besides setting up a combo with an 'interrupt' ability is more luck than skill. ...The enemy is the one setting you up, remember? --Jay Freedman 04:20, 17 April 2012 (UTC)