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Level: Kineticist 7
Display: Auditory, mental, and olfactory
Manifesting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Until discharged or 10 min./level (D)
Power Points: 13

When you manifest reddopsi, powers targeted against you rebound to affect the original manifester. This effect reverses powers that have only you as a target (except dispel psionics and similar powers or effects). Powers that affect an area and those that produce effects can’t be reversed. Reddopsi also can’t reverse any power with a range of touch.

Should you rebound a power back against a manifester who also is protected by reddopsi, the power rebounds once more upon you.

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Facts about "Reddopsi"
DisciplinePsychokinesis +
LevelKineticist 7 +
TitleReddopsi +