Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Character Options

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< Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)
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Sewer Dweller

You grew up in what most would call the under cities. You lived you life in the sewers of large cities with all the other rats, literally. Living in the sewers you grow used to dealing with the sketchy skaven, and even learned how to communicate with them. You are not a stranger to criminals moving contraband, leaving dead bodies hidden in your living space, and eating garbage dropped from above. You learned to provide for yourself and keep a close eye on those around you who would steal from you. You have seen some things man, you've seen some things. You begin your adventuring with only what you could hold on to while you slept.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit, thieves' tools
  • Languages: Squeekish, the skaven language
  • Equipment: 3 random trinkets, a set of common clothes, a backpack, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp
  • Feature: Sewer Trade Routes - When you enter a city you instinctively know if there are established trade routes using the sewers under the city. When you are not in combat you may choose to travel the sewers and lead your companions to any black markets or thieves guilds attached to these trade routes. You also know enough that if you had to move things across the city without being noticed you could find a way to do so using the sewers.
  • Suggested Characteristics:Sewer dwellers are molded by the lives they have lead. They are usually living there with their clans, members of the same race, or as a result of poverty. They are accustomed to a life of crime and living off the those who live in the cities above. They usually leave this life after being requited by thieves guilds above, are driven to better themselves, or driven by racial goals.
d8 Personality Trait
1 I am not paranoid. People are always out to get me. I look over my shoulder because that is how they get you, so I check often.
2 Can I borrow some money? Some thief just stole all mine. I will pay you back after we finish this.
3 I sleep with one eye open, to many people have betrayed me.
4 The sewer water is clean enough, I don't need to pay a bath house.
5 My language is very vulgar.
6 I get excited very easily when loot is around.
7 I keep everything I own on me, I don't care what you think its value is.
8 I am driven by a wondrous story of adventures getting rare loot.
d6 Ideal
1 Racial pride. I will set the example of what my race is known for. (Any)
2 Might. My race is meant to rule this world and I plan to see to it. (Evil)
3 Aspiration. Some day I will find a weapon of legend and wield it like a true hero. (Good)
4 Retribution. The rich need to be shown what life and death are truly worth. (Chaotic)
5 Live another day. It is better to live to see tomorrow than to die today. (Neutral)
6 No limits. Nothing is out of my grasp. (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I've been searching my whole life for a weapon of legend.
2 I was cheated out of my fair share of profits and I will have my due.
3 Vengeance is in my future and I will have it.
4 I left my kin after committing a terrible crime, and I am still wanted for this.
5 Books will be written about me and all the things I did.
6 I will never make the same terrible mistake twice.
d6 Flaw
1 I am incapable of leaving behind any loot, even at the price of my own life.
2 I am slow to trust members of any other race, tribe or clan.
3 Violence is always plan A.
4 Stealing from friends is not below me. In fact check your pockets.
5 Grave robbing is not against my morals.
6 I will take the route that pays the most, even if it involves going against the majority vote.


You love the challenge of surviving the elements alone. You willing take on the elements in order to better yourself. A survivalist is the type of person who would climb a mountain just to say that they did. Taking very little supplies with them to start their journey, a survivalist will rely on wits and skills to obtain their goal. Thrill seekers are not the only survivalist however, there are also the ones who are given the task of survival to prove themselves worthy for the military service of their nation. These types of survivalists often times spend months alone with nothing, and told to find their way back alive. Once this is accomplished they are looked at as hardy warriors, and from then on serve as scouts for the military. Gathering useful intelligence on enemy locations and mapping new routes for their nation.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Survival and Nature
  • Tool Proficiencies: Cartographer's tools
  • Equipment: A random trinket, a shovel, a mess kit, a explorer's Pack, a hunting trap, and 5 gold
  • Feature: Nature sense - You have lived a life outside and thus have learned to somewhat predict how mother nature will act in the near future. When you are outside and you can see the sky, you may spend 2 minutes time to make a weather prediction. The DM will tell you what the weather will be like in the next 24 hours. You can also use this to know at what times the sun will rise and set. This feature can also be used to determine if the current weather is the result of magic or not.
  • Suggested Characteristics:
d8 Personality Trait
1 I only talk if it is necessary.
2 I find it hard to relax when in wide open places, where I am exposed to enemies.
3 I try to find all the escape routes of a building when I enter.
4 Eavesdropping is something that I find hard to avoid.
5 The sound of the waves or a river soothes me.
6 I am not good at speaking to the opposite sex.
7 When I am nervous I scratch my head.
8 I tend to talk faster when I am bluffing.
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw


Fishermen get most enjoyment out of thier lives when thier time is spent at sea. They spend alot of time traveling between island chains and fishing the oceans. Commonly found traveling from island to island looking for lakes and rivers to fish. If they do not use thier own boat to travel then you will find them hopping from port to port on various trade ships. Masters at thier craft they are used to spending long periods of time on ships and can live off the fish they catch.

  • Skill Proficiencies: Nature, Proficiency bonus may be added to all fishing checks
  • Tool Proficiencies: Tackle kit
  • Languages: Purrmesian
  • Equipment: Dagger, Tackle kit, a trinket of your choice, and a explorers pack
  • Feature: Fisherman's instincts - You are gifted at finding just the fish you are looking for. After taking a short rest near a lake or river, using the time to look at the type of surroundings, you can learn exactly what fish live here. Doing this will also allow you to permently fish here with a bonus of +1.
  • Suggested Characteristics:
d8 Personality Trait
1 I tell stories about my catch to anyone who will listen. I once got a fish THIS BIG.
2 I have respect all other fishermen.
3 My next catch will be my biggest so I am always preparing for it.
4 Every body of water I see is a chance for my next big catch. Can we stop just to ake a look?
5 Talking scares the fish, so why talk if you dont have too? Silence is key.
6 Rain is perfect for great fishing. I love the rain.
7 Being in a city too long makes me want to go on a adventure. I dont like being in them too long.
8 Homesickness is common for me. I love to talk about and compair places to my home.
d6 Ideal
1 Humanitarian. Teach a man to fish and they can feed themselves for a life time. (Good)
2 Just Food. It's ok to eat fish, cause they don't have any feelings. (Neutral)
3 Population control. Thin the population of garbage fish with catch and release on the ground. (Evil)
4 Relaxation. Fishing never hurt anyone and it helps feed others. (Lawful)
5 Easy. Don't over think it. Just cast out and wait. (Neutral)
6 Sport. The unpredicable nature of the fight is why its fun. (Chaotic)
d6 Bond
1 I am out to fish a unmapped lake and find a new species.
2 Gotta catch them all! I will land every fish out there.
3 Everyone in the land will come to hear my tales at sea.
4 Teaching others to fish is the greatest gift you can give, this is why I travel.
5 I will meet the love of my life at sea, fishing.
6 Sometimes I return home to fish with my family.
d6 Flaw
1 Morning is the best time for fishing, sometimes I sneak away from fellow travelers while they sleep.
2 I left my homeland in a boat I stole.
3 I can only carry so much, and I choose to carry my tackle and bait. This results in me being unprepared sometimes.
4 If someone is willing to listen to my story then I will tell it, regardless if it makes me late.
5 Typically I don't visit large towns, so I tend to overindulge.
6 I always try way to hard to impress those who are attractive.


The shop keeps of the world spend their lives trying to sell water to a merfolk. Spending their days trying to empty

  • Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion
  • Equipment: 5 random trinkets, a gaming set, traveler's clothes, merchant's scale, 3 square yards of silk, 1 lb. of cinnamon, 1 lb. of copper, 2 lb. flour, 5 sp, and 5 gp.
  • Feature:
  • Suggested Characteristics:
d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw