Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Gear and Equipment/BAotF

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Bloodcursed Armor of Light

Bloodcursed Armor of Light

Heavy armor (plate), Shield (animated), legendary (requires attunement by a creature of lawful good alignment)

This cursed magical plate armor comes complete with an animated shield. In order to attune to this item the new owner must complete a test. This test lasts until the armor feels the wearer is worthy. This test could take years or days to complete. The armor is very selective of its owners. In this setting it took its current wearer, Cassidy Burton, six months to complete attunement. The DM will decide how long this test will last. The test can only be carried out while the owner is wearing the armor. The test is a combination of physical and mental stress trials that bring the wearer to different levels of exhaustion each time a trial is attempted. Every new trial undertaken increases the level of exhaustion for the day. The DM will decide what the trials will consist of, all while keeping in mind the armors unique special purpose and personality. The command word to activate the armor is learned after the final trial, and does not need to be spoken aloud.

Without the command word this armor acts as a normal set a of plate, same with the shield. This is also how it acts until its test is completed and the command word spoken. Once the word is spoken the armors symbiotic nature takes over. While the command word is active the armor has AC 21 and the shield becomes animated. The shield grants a +3 AC bonus. The shield also grants its wearer the effects of the Shield Master feat. (pg 170 of the PHB) In addition to these effects, whenever you take the attack action on your turn, you may also use a bonus action to command the shield to attack any target within five feet of you. This attack deals 2d6 bludgeoning damage. Effects of the command word will stay active for five hours. After the five hours, the word must be spoken again.

Bloodcursed. This item requires the blood of the wearer to function. Once the command word is spoken, tendrils on the inside of the plate burrow into the wearer. If this is the first time the command word is spoken the armor brings the attuned wearer to their knees in pain. From this point forward the wearer will take 1d10 damage every six seconds until they reach one hit point, then pass out. When they awake, attunement is complete.

Symbiotic Nature. The armor can not be removed while the command word is active. The owner can't voluntarily end their attunement to it. If you are targeted by a spell that ends a curse, your attunement is unaffected, however the tendrils will detach themselves from the wearer and the command word effects will end. The armor requires fresh blood be fed to it. Immediately after speaking the command word the tendrils burrow into the wearer. The wearer must feed all remaining unused hit dice to the armor, and take an additional 1d10 damage.

Sentience. This armor is a sentient lawful good armor with Intelligence 16, Wisdom of 12, and Charisma of 20. It speaks to its wearer telepathically. Its voice mimics the wearers perfectly, so much so that it does not go by a name, and has never been given one. All wearers hear its voice as their own inner monologue speaking to them. This drives all wearers to the brink of insanity at first, but this is why the test takes so long. Once they pass all the trials the wearer has grown to accept this, and can separate out their own thoughts from the armors.

Personality. The armor's purpose is that of a Glory and Destiny seeker. It wants a wearer it feels is worthy of its power. It will attempt to break its new owner in every way possible while the test is taking place, then finally accept its new owner. Once it feels it has found this owner, it will speak to its new wearer in a very positive tone. It will be the driving force behind its owners actions. It wants as much good fortune and fame for its wearer as possible. The two will feel a true kinship to each other when the test is complete. It truly feels that it has found a partner worthy of its greatness. It wants its wearer to be a hero, a symbol of justice and heroism. Its methods may sound evil, but it is of pure intent. It is taking what it feels are the necessary actions to build a champion of light.

If the shield or the armor are ever separated, the pieces will call to one another. If another person tries to wear a piece, while the other piece is still with the attuned owner, then it does not work. If it is the armor that is being worn by another person, while the shield is still with the attuned owner, the armor will bring the new wearer to zero hit points as fast as it can, using the same method as it does for the bloodcurse. Then the piece that is still with the attuned owner will speak, telling them exactly wear the missing piece is located, in the same manner the scrying spell works. It will drone orders in the attuned owners head, compelling them to find the missing piece, so much so that it is all the owner will want to do. It will drive them to exhaustion every day, day after day, until they locate it.

If both pieces are separated from the attuned owner, the armor will not let anyone attune to it for thirty days, unless the attuned owner was killed wearing it. In this case the armor will allow another creature to attune to it right away. Otherwise, it will wait the thirty days thinking that its chosen owner is more than capable of reclaiming it. After the thirty days, it will allow for a new owner. However, the armor will never forget someone who has attuned to it. If a former attuned owner reclaims it after the thirty days, the armor will remember them, and perhaps allow attunement again without trials.