This Combat Path gives access to the following abilities when wielding a shield that is not a buckler.
The save against these abilities if any is DC 10 +1/2 bab + strength modifier or dexterity modifier, the player can choose which modifier to use.
Shield Your Eyes: The character can add the shield's ac to saves against gaze attacks, mundane ranged touch attacks that aim for the eyes, abilities or magic or some form of ability or effect that affects the character's eyes in an adverse way such as causing blindness from light or dirt in the eyes or similar things that involve the eyes. Additionally against gaze attacks if averting eyes there's a 65% chance to not to need to make a saving throw.
Counter Wall: Against a foe no more then one size larger then you, if a foe attempts a bullrush, overrun or charge on you, you can make a strength check as usual(even for charging) if you win, the foe's action not only fails, you can as a non action make a single shield bash on the foe, if it hits the foe is knocked prone, on a critical hit the foe requires a full round action to stand up from prone, this works even on critical hit immune foes.
Shattered Toothpick: If a foe that is no more then one size larger then you wielding a spear type weapon or polearm type weapon uses a bullrush, overrun or charge on you, you can make a strength check as usual (even for the charge), if you pass you can immediately as a nonaction sunder the foe's weapon using your shield bash to deal damage as usual to the weapon. If the sunder action destroys the weapon, the foe is flatfooted for 1 round.
Well Worn: The armor check penalty for shields is reduced by 1 for each point of strength bonus and constitution bonus you have to a max of 0. Additionally when using tower shields or similar shields your Maximum Dex Bonus increases by 1 for each point of strength bonus and constitution bonus you have to a max of +8. Finally your shield only counts as half it's normal weight for the purpose of determining your encumbrance.
Crashing Pin: Against a foe no more then one size larger then you, when charging, bullrushing or overrunning that foe, if there is an solid object, wall or obstacle nearby you can attempt to pin the foe to the target as if grappling. Make a strength check as usual (even for charging and you can use the shield's ac as a bonus) and if you win, you can also make a single shield bash as a free action, if the shield bash hits, the foe is considered pinned but you can attack it and only it with your non shield melee weapon if you wish. If the foe is 1 or more size smaller then you and you pin it, the target takes double damage from the shield bash used to pin it, this stacks with any critical hit the shield bash does.
Strong Line:You may make an attack of opportunity against a opponent who is either charging, bullrushing or overrunning who enters or leaves an area you threaten. Your attack of opportunity happens immediately before the action chosen is resolved. If you land a critical hit, the action fails and the opponent can not leave the square for the remainder of their round.
Bash Mastery: When bashing a foe with your shield, you no longer lose the shield's ac bonus and you also no longer take attack penalties from two weapon fighting when performing a shield bash and armed strike attack as part of a full attack action. You now also add your whole Strength bonus to shield bash damage rolls instead of 1/2 your bonus and foes hit with you bash suffer a penalty to ac equal to the shield's ac for 1 round unless they pass a reflex save. Additionally Tower shields can be used for a bash, when used they have a damage range of 1d8 and a critical range of 2x/20.
Cymbal Finish: When performing a full attack against one foe, the character can make an additional shield bash attack at the end of the full attack at a -5 attack penalty.
Defensive Fight: When fighting defensively, you no longer take a -4 to attack rolls and can add your shield armor class to reflex saves.
Defensive Guard: If using the total defense option, you gain dr/- equal to 2x your shield armor class and have a 25% chance to negate a critical hit or sneak attack on you. You also add your shield armor class to reflex saves and can not be flanked unless the attacker is 4 or more levels higher then you.
Covered Tell: You may add your shield's ac bonus to your feint attempts against foes and to resist any feint attempts against you.
Missile Guard: Once per round when you or an ally within 5 feet of you would normally be hit with a ranged weapon, you may attempt make either a dexterity check, reflex save or attack roll against the attack roll to attempt deflect it so that you or the ally take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flatfooted.
Attempting to deflect a ranged weapon doesn’t count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons and ranged attacks generated by spell effects can’t be deflected.
Rebound Missile: Once per round when you or an ally within 5 feet of you would normally be hit with either a sling bullet or ranged thrown weapon that is not a piercing weapon, you may attempt make either a dexterity check, reflex save or attack roll against the attack roll to attempt to deflect it. If you pass, you can make the thrown weapon/bullet be deflected, dealing no damage to you or your ally and you can make the ranged attack bounce into an adjacent square or a square you threaten that is occupied by a foe using the first foe's attack roll which may hit the foe.
Attempting to deflect a ranged attack doesn’t count as an action. Unusually massive ranged weapons and ranged attacks generated by spell effects can’t be deflected.
Fell Bash: When performing a shield bash on a foe no more then one size larger then you, you may attempt to knock them prone, the target must make a reflex save or fall prone, a successful save renders them flatfooted for 1 round instead. On a critical hit, the foe if they fail the save requires a standard action to get back up and is flatfooted for 1 round after. Foes immune to critical hits can be affected by the critical hit effect but get a 5+ on their save and are not flatfooted on a successful save critical hit or not.
Trick Stopper: You may apply your shield bonus checks or rolls to resist bull rush, sunder, disarm, grapple, feint, dirty tricks, overrun, or trip attempts against you.
Armored Train: When charging and attacking while holding a shield, you no longer take a –2 penalty to your AC until the start of your next turn. Additionally when performing a bullrush, charge or overrun, you do not provoke an attack of opportunity and you may add your shield's armor class to your check.
Safe Guard: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when wielding a shield for the following actions: drawing or sheathing a weapon, using a thrown ranged weapon, standing from being prone and drinking a potion. You can also shield an ally within 5 feet so they do not suffer an attack of opportunity if performing an action that would otherwise provoke one.
Deflect Blow: Once per round when you would normally be hit with a melee attack, you may attempt make either a dexterity check or reflex save against the attack roll to attempt deflect it so that you take no damage from it. You must be aware of the attack and not flatfooted.
Attempting to deflect a melee attack doesn’t count as an action. Attacks by foes 2 or more sizes bigger then you can't be deflected.
Swatter: If the player is in a square that is occupied by a hostile flying swarm, the player can make a shield bash attack against the swarm even if it is made of Fine or Diminutive creatures. If the attack hits, the swarm deals half damage for one round and the player is not affected by the distraction ability for 1 round.
Guarded Withdraw: You do not provoke attacks of opportunity for moving away from creatures that you attacked with a melee weapon in the same round and also gain a dodge bonus to ac equal to the number of attacks you landed on foes for 1 round
'Shield Use Focus 1: You can with a shield type you are proficient in focus your training on it. You gain a +1 to attack rolls with your chosen shield. This can be chosen up to 5 times per shield type chosen but only once per fighter level per shield type.
'Shield Use Focus 2: You can with a shield type you are proficient in focus your training on it. You gain a +1 to damage rolls with your chosen shield with shield bashes and similar. This can be chosen up to 5 times per shield type chosen but only once per fighter level per shield type.
Shield Expertise: You do not suffer any Two-Weapon Fighting penalties on attack or damage rolls made with a shield while you are wielding another weapon and your wielded weapon does not suffer any Two-Weapon Fighting penalties on attack or damage rolls either.
Shoving Bash: If you hit a foe with a shield bash who is no more then one size larger then you, you can as a free action make a bullrush check on the foe, if you win the foe is pushed back 5 feet but you are not moved from your location. If the bash is a critical hit, the foe is also flatfooted for 1 round even on a successful check, foes immune to critical hits can be affected but are not flatfooted on a successful check.