Aelyra (3.5e Sourcebook)/Rules/Skills

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Skills are now condensed into 11 skills. Skills start untrained, Class skills start trained. It Costs 1 skill point to upgrade to a higher rank. Skill Ranks are now:
Untrained (Ability Mod),
Trained (Ability Mod + Level),
Expert (Ability Mod + Level + 3),
Master (Ability Mod + Level + 6),
Grand Master (Ability Mod + Level + 9),

Skill List

Acrobatics (Dex): Tumble, Balance, Escape Artist, Use Rope

Athletics (Str): Climb, Jump, Swim, Ride

Arcana (Int): Spellcraft, Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana, Religion, Planes)

Craftsmanship (Int): Craft (All), Profession (All), Appraise, Knowledge (Engineering)

Deception (Cha): Intimidate, Bluff, Disguise, Perform (Any)

Devices (Int): Disable Device, Open Lock, Use Magic Device, Knowledge (Dungeoneering)

Linguistics (Int): Decipher Script, Language, Forgery, Knowledge (Local, Nobility, History)

Nature (Wis): Survival, Heal, Handle Animal, Knowledge (Nature, Geography)

Perception (Wis): Spot, Listen, Search, Sense Motive

Persuasion (Cha): Diplomacy, Gather Information

Stealth (Dex): Sleight of Hand, Hide, Move Silently


A Rogue has 8 + Int skill points. The Rogue's class skills are Perception, Persuasion, Deception, Athletics, Acrobatics, Devices, Stealth, Linguistics, and Craftsmanship. The rogue has a +4 Intelligence modifier, and has 12 skill points.

The Rogue could:

Spend 11 points to be trained in all skills, and then pay 1 point to become an expert in stealth.