Vaerya (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Creatures

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Noble Creatures

Among the noble creatures of Vaerya are included all manner of beast who's bloodline was once touched by the power of the Valkyrie, or found it's way to the Vaeryan's celestial home. Some more unusual creatures also belong here, listed below. Note: this list is not comprehensive, as there are many rare and elusive creatures in the world of Vaerya, and it would take far too many jigawatts to list them all here.



Vile Creatures

Herein lie the evil beasts that wander the realms, turned into dire versions of their former selves through the touch of chaos, or into fiendish monstrosities touched by the powers of the Fallen. Also included in this category are some specific dangers of the wild that adventurers would do well to be wary of.



Planar Animals


Neutral Creatures

These are the natural animals of the forest living in harmony as natural living things do. Also here are races and creatures who's agenda remains unknown, or who are motivated purely by self interest and preservation. Many are wild and can be dangerous when provoked, but can also be helpful should the situation arise.






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