The Lone Wander, 3.5e incarnate, with no attempts at rule modifications or any of the sort, just a straight conversion, even if the weapons don't really transfer.
Daddy's Boy (Intelligence)
- Factotum 19/whatever 1
Psionics is something some might question, and by a similar token the presence of the factotum, arcane archer, and assassin, classes with links to spellcasting (even the ranger, too, although I would recommend leaving the class behind long before spellcasting becomes relevant). On the other hand, I find psionics an appropriate way replicate V.A.T.S. So, much like the decision to use V.A.T.S. is a player's choice, so is using psionics, or spellcasting. Limiting one's power and spell selection (as detailed below) to a constrained list makes either or these reasonable adaptations in my mind.
With that said, I'm operating under the general presumption that the class will be dealing damage through physical attacks, since our hero doesn't exactly go around setting things on fire with his mind.
- FactotumDS 1
- Cunning Surge is as good a V.A.T.S. emulator as any, if you'll take the class that far. I like the idea of opening with factotum, even for a level, even if your build isn't Intelligence-based, simply for all the skill points, assuming you don't need that level for something else. If you carry the class further you have spells which can fill various functions (see spell selection below), are a bitching skill monkey, and somewhat viable in combat. Call a wand of scorching ray a tri-beam laser rifle and enjoy the beam spam, or whatever you prefer.
- Fighter 1, 2
- For the bonus feats and the BAB, whether going melee or ranged, two-weapon fighting or whatever else floats your boat.
- Psion 2
- Like the psychic warrior below, this is an avenue of opening psychic prestige classes, although it could be carried further.
- Psychic Warrior 1, 2
- As with the fighter, the real gem here are the feats. I'd recommend two levels to get the BAB out of your investment, although it isn't strictly necessary depending on your direction. The psionics are really just a bonus here but coupled with the feats they make this two-level dip highly valuable for opening up War Mind or Slayer, should you choose either of those roads.
- Ranger
- Rogue
- SwordsageToB
- For the shishkebab wielder in all of us. Like the psionics and spell casting, maneuver selection needs to be regulated to achieve emulation within some acceptable bounds.
- Wilder
- Another
Prestige Classes
Wizards of the Coast
- Pyromaniac
- My take on the Pyromaniac feat. Not particularly useful unless you're really throwing out fire damage a lot, and even then it needs some work to be worth it. Such is the nature of the beast, for it had to be balanced for conventional 3.5e play as well.