SRD:Divine Radiance (Divine Ability)

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Divine Radiance[edit]

Prerequisite: Good alignment, Sun domain.

Benefit: The deity can shed light in a (10 feet x divine rank) emanation from its body. This light counters and dispels all darkness effects (unless created by a deity of higher rank) and causes pain and damage to undead creatures, who take 2d8 points of damage per round with no save. As a full attack action, the deity can generate up to three rays of scorching light that can strike targets up to a number of miles away equal to the deity’s divine rank. Each ray deals 1d6 points of damage per 2 divine ranks. Undead take 1d12 points of damage per 2 divine ranks.

Suggested Portfolio Elements: Good, light, sun.

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IdentifierDivine Ability +
TitleDivine Radiance +