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Revision as of 15:51, 20 November 2006 by GeorgianaDollery (talk | contribs) (from English Wikipedia)
Abeir-Toril is the name of the planet on which the Forgotten Realms is set. The name is archaic, meaning "cradle of life." It consists of various continents and islands, including Faerûn, Kara-Tur, Zakhara, Maztica, Anchorome and an unknown sub-Saharan-like continent is located south of Maztica.
Toril was the name of Jeff Grubb's campaign world, and it was adopted as the name of the planet with the continent Faerûn when he and Ed Greenwood were designing the original Forgotten Realms Boxed Set in 1987. Abeir- was added as a prefix so that the world's name was placed at the beginning of an alphabetical encyclopedia.
It is orbited by one moon named Selûne, and by a cluster of asteroids, known as the Tears of Selûne.