User:IGTN/Campaign Page/Player Notes

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Basic Knowledge


For a place notable to everyone, the kingdom is currently ruled by king Ferrin VI of Bladereach, the current head of a nine-king (so far) dynasty. Bladereach and the neighboring kingdoms use the H.F. calendar, which starts its Year 1 soon after the first winter solstice following the defeat of the Lich-King Hadrach. It is currently Summer of H.F. 197. [1]

Bladereach was founded in H.F. 3. For the next seventy years, it fought a bunch of wars to become a regional power.[1]

Both of your background areas are in the borders of the Kingdom of Bladereach.[1]

Bladereach Locale

My notes say that the ruin is on Mt. Isserik, with a major town of Wrotsulver Town. The giant ruins underneath the lizardfolk ruins are called Dvimirsvalt. You have no idea what's under Dvimirsvalt. [1]

Bladereach City

Geography: Bladereach is on a large bay, on a plain by the side of a river valley. Most of the rest of the bay is surrounded by mountains. The cliffs are pretty much the entire coast except for near the city, so getting to the cliffs is leaving the city, and then finding exactly where (northern cliffs or southern cliffs) you're looking, then getting there. [1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 (Presumably) copypasta from IGTN's notes.