Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Adventure Hooks/JoxorQuest

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This quest is designed to begin a new campaign. It is recommended that you follow the session zero suggestions before you begin. Make sure to consult the calendar section, as the date the campaign will begin is 26 Malkura.

The players will begin this adventure making their way to a celebration. The city of Blacksteel, located in the Kingdom of Brelum, will play host for this celebration. Brelum is celebrating the recent peace between the federation of Jeuno and the lizardfolk. Lizardfolk armies have controlled the Vagodor Spines for hundreds of years. Part of this treaty includes lizardfolk withdrawing from the mountains all together. With the lizardfolk gone, human families can now return to the ruins of Dardanelles. Blacksteel residents will now have the chance to reclaim lost heirlooms and historic property. People from all over Cala'diel are coming to Blacksteel, taking part in the celebration, waiting for the day to arrive that they can set out to search the ruins. These ruins hold unknown amounts of treasure. Perhaps a party member might seek a family heirloom, or the gold finding a lost artifact would bring in. Some players may simply want answers to what happened all those years ago.

Use the background information players gave in session zero to weave a story that sets them off on their adventure. The main goal is to get players divided at the start. Divide them up into two separate groups. There will be no battles at this point so do not worry about dividing them evenly. Use the Brelum map and set them off toward the town of Gylex. You want one group to be on a ship originating from Blacksteel, and the other traveling on foot from Midhaven.

The seed of adventure

Start by reading this to the players.

Over four hundred years ago the human city of Brelum was destroyed by Vagodor, the black dragon of legend. This sudden act of destructive magic left thousands of humans, along with Vagodor himself, buried under mountains. This mountain range is now known as the Vagodor Spines. They are named this because when viewed from a distance, they look like the spikes on a dragons back. This mountain range is so large it divides the kingdom of Brelum and the region of Loria. Survivors of the destruction of Brelum would go on to found a new city, naming it Dardanelles. Two hundred and fifty years later, Dardanelles would be destroyed by invading lizardfolk armies. Lizardfolk blamed humans for the death of Vagodor, and continue to do so up to this day.

Now the proud city of Blacksteel is the capital of Brelum. Blacksteel is one fifth of what is known as the Federation of Jeuno. The federation is a trade alliance compromised of five major cities on the continent of Athlon. Recently the federation signed a treaty with the lizardfolk of the Saurus region, ending hostilities between them and the federation. Finally, after over four hundred years, peace has been reached between lizardfolk and humans. In four days, at the turn of a new year, lizardfolk will leave the Vagodor Spines. Humans will finally be able to return to the ruins of their ancestors homes. You, along with countless others, will gather in Blacksteel for the celebration.

On foot from Midhaven

Next read this to the players in the party originating in Midhaven.

Some of you are making your way to Blacksteel on foot. The safest, most common road to Blacksteel starts in Midhaven. Midhaven is a place where adventurers join together with other parties traveling the same directions. The town is built around the intersection of heavily traveled trade routes. Your journey is no different. In Midhaven you group up with others who are also traveling to Blacksteel.

Let the players who are walking from Midhaven introduce themselves to everyone. Have them cover why they are traveling to Blacksteel. Make sure they go over the reasons they gave to you in session zero with each other, if they want to. If they do not feel like sharing that much information do not force them. If any player’s backstory involves a way for them to reach Blacksteel without a ride, perhaps they could use it. For example a player might already be part of a family owned caravan traveling to Blacksteel, Midhaven was a rest stop for them. Other party members could simply join that player’s caravan. In this setting it is always suggested you work the players’ narrative into the written one.

Ask the newly formed party if they would like to seek a ride to Blacksteel or walk the road themselves. If they wish to find a ride ask for a perception check, then read the next part.

Finding a ride to Blacksteel is not difficult, simply asking carts passing through the main intersection will do it. Midhaven after all is a town built around caravans passing through its center. Other adventurers can be seen doing the same thing as you are. Carts stop and negotiate with would be riders right in front of you. Over hearing these conversations you think it will run you about ten silver or one gold for the ride. Looking at the state of some the carts and size of the current traveling party you feel confident you could possibly find a ride for less.

Perception check over DC15 or Passive Perception 15, continue to read.

You also notice a wagon manned by what looks to be another adventurer traveling solo. He seems to be the best bet for taking less.

Ask for a Charisma check with Persuasion if they have it. DC8 if they speak to the adventurer or wished to pay less for the ride. If they fail the check tell them no one was interested in taking less. The price of a ride to Blacksteel is ten silver or one gold. If they passed the check, they will pay six silver for the ride. If they failed the check talking to the adventurer tell them he does not seem interested in stopping to talk to them. If the check is passed tell them the adventurer seems happy to talk to someone one. He is open to friendly conversation and will entertain their sales pitch. Let the players speak with him and have him introduce himself as Nash. Get the players to ask for a ride to Blacksteel. When ready read the next part to end the section in Midhaven.

Nash has traveled this road before and will gladly travel with some company. He is going to the town of Gylex, the last stop on the road before reaching Blacksteel. According to Nash, he is going to the town to deal with some wolves. He says the wolves have been attacking caravans going between Blacksteel and Gylex. Happy to have the company, he informs you that the ride to Gylex is free of charge, however, the ride from Gylex to Blacksteel is not. That price can be worked out later at the tavern in Gylex. The Forgotten Ship Pub is one of his favorite taverns near Blacksteel.

Taking a Ship to Blacksteel

Read this to the party on the ship departing from Blacksteel.

Some of you are making your way to Blacksteel by ship. Ships are the most common forms of travel on the continent of Athlon. Blacksteel is located along the Velothi River, one of the four great rivers of Athlon. All four of the rivers flow from the ocean coast, through a major city, and connect to form Lake Ashby. Much like Midhaven is to roads, the city of Jeuno is to these rivers. Jeuno is built on the shore of Lake Ashby, and uses the lake as a center for all trade between the major cities along these rivers. Chances are if it is on a boat heading to Blacksteel, then it started its journey in Jeuno. Boat travel is not cheap, and neither are rooms in Blacksteel right now. This celebration is bringing in some of the most influential people from across the whole Federation. Finding a boat willing to take you for a price you can afford will be difficult.

Most adventurers gather in Port Jeuno, trading protection from lizardfolk pirates for free rides. Most ship captains know this and take advantage of the free security. Your adventure is no different. In Port Jeuno you group with others who are also traveling to Blacksteel.

Let the players who are currently in Jeuno introduce themselves to everyone else here. Have them cover why they are traveling to Blacksteel. Make sure they go over the reasons they gave to you in session zero with each other, if they want to. If they do not feel like sharing that much information do not force them.

If any player’s backstory involves a way for them to reach Blacksteel without using a different ship, perhaps they could use it. For example a player might already be part of a family owned federation merchant ship traveling to Blacksteel. Other party members could simply join that player’s ship in return for protection. In this setting it is always suggested you work the players’ narrative into the written one.

Ask the newly formed party if they intend to seek a ride to Blacksteel using the traditional free security option, or if they want to find another method of paying for the ride. Methods of travel other than ship will take to long to arrive if the wish to attend the celebration. Ask for a DC8 Perception Check to find ships going to Blacksteel. A successful check will result in them easily finding the ships departing for Blacksteel. Most ships are willing to take on extra help. A failed check will result in a lot of wasted time. They get turned around on the docks, waste time in arrivals, get turned around again, finally making it back to where they started. Lost time at the dock will result in the party being tardy and no longer able to ride some of the ship choices in the next part.

The docks are overly full of ships today. Captains are in a rush to leave so they can find a place to stay in Blacksteel. Most fear that all the inn rooms will be sold out. Anyone who wants a nice bed to sleep in has made it there business to leave now. Dock workers and adventurers are shouting over each other non stop. A majority of the ships seem to fly the same flag, rough estimate would say about seventy-five percent fly the same flag. The other twenty-five or so percent fly one of four different flags.

Ask the party to make a DC8 Investigation check to either ask about the flags or recall information they would know from their characters backstory. A failed check results in the party only learning about the most common flag, the flag of the federation. The federation flag is flown on about seventy-five percent of the ships. A success will result with the party learning the flags of the other four flags flown on the other twenty-five percent of the ships. These are the flags of the other four cities that make up the Federation. (Blacksteel, Volmoria, Angrol Kazahd, Shyryduin) If any characters are of the catfolk race, or scored higher than DC16, and the party is not tardy to the docks they will see one ship with a flag all of its own. Only a catfolk will know the ship as the The Emerald Corsair. Skip ahead to the Emerald Cosair section if the party qualifies to ride this ship.

Trading security for a free ride:

While you walk the docks trying to make sense of all the shouting, you are able narrow it down to those looking for help and those offering it. The federation ships seem to be exclusively merchant ships, however, some are diplomatic ships. These must be for the high profile guests attending the celebration in Blacksteel. Getting a ride on a federation ship will be almost impossible if they are also transporting nobles. The captains looking for security seem to be flying those other four flags. Securing a free ride from them at a time when security is in high demand will be easy. There is also the shouts of a man who is looking to hire skilled adventurers for a job. Free ride including pay.

All of these ships are asking for free security and will take anyone willing to do the job. As the party talks to captains, they will find them all to have crew sizes between three and nine. No captain will be willing to offer pay in addition to the free ride. Any pressure by the party to get paid in addition to the ride will be met with every captain pointing out how easy it is to get free security.

If the party decides to take any boat offering only the free ride then they can board the ship now and continue on to the approaching Blacksteel section. If they wish to inquire about getting paid in addition to the free ride continue on.

Free ride with additional pay

A very anxious man has been shouting his intent to offer pay in addition to a free ride to Blacksteel. You approach the man as he talks to a younger adventurer. “Congratulations young man, your good deed will not go unnoticed.” You hear him say as he gestures for the young man to board his ship. The gesture works not only as a way to show the young man where to go, but also manages to direct your attention toward the ship. It is clearly not a merchant ship, most likely a fishing ship. It appears to have no crew, unless you count what appears to be one man sitting on a barrel doing nothing. “Fine adventurers! Do you have any interest in making some extra coin? I pay very well, and it’s only going to be one simple day’s work. We will be done before the celebration, giving us a little something extra to celebrate.”

If the party listens to the man’s offer they will be told about the job. Here are the things the man will discuss before they agree to take the job.

  • He is hiring adventurers to help find and kill the murderer of his family.
  • He has spent the last six years of his life trying to find this murderer.
  • The captain of this ship is willing take some extra people onboard. He has already paid her to do so. So your rides are already paid for.
  • You will be paid three gold each after the ship departs, and then twenty five gold each after the job is complete.

If the party agrees to do this then they will be told follow the other young adventurer onboard. The addition of the party will also stop the man from shouting for more help. Once they are onboard the man with shout, "We are good to go. Let's get moving!" With that the party is on its way to find the murderer of this mans family. The man who was recruiting adventurers is named Kory Starneg. The captain that he paid in advance for your rides is named Emmalyn Bersk. The man on the deck of the ship who was doing nothing is named Balcon. Finally the young adventurer who was recruited right before the party was is named Maxence Shain. Continue to the Meeting the NPC's section.

The Emerald Corsair:

As you approach the larger ship that flies a flag all its own, you notice nearly the entire crew is made up of catfolk. Its sails are in great shape and are a deep green color. The crew is rushing around the deck of the ship getting things together as fast as possible. It is obvious this ship is in a hurry to leave. “You guys there! Get out of the way. Can I help you with something?” a female catfolk yells out to the party. She makes her way over to party with her hands stretched out in annoyance. Before anyone is able to speak up the same catfolk interrupts “Can you not see we are in a hurry?” The catfolk gestures to the ship as if to emphasize her point.

Let the players explain to the catfolk the situation they are in. They can make any offers they want to try to get a free ride, or even pay for a ride. This ship will only take them if one member of the party is a catfolk or they can pass a DC25 persuasion check. If they succeed then the ship will take them free of charge, otherwise the catfolk will huff and puff as they waste her time. Finally, she will leave in a rush as the ship begins to depart.

Meeting the NPC's

While traveling with their new found companions the party will have time to get to know the NPC better. Here are the things they can learn about while traveling to their destination.

Nash Callix

  • He has been to Gylex before. It is his Inn of choice while in the Blacksteel area. Most ships can make the journey from Gylex to Blacksteel in half a day. The pub is also cheaper than anything you can find in Blacksteel. His stories are much more interesting in the small town than in the large town of Blacksteel.
  • He has a friend in the town that he likes to visit while he passes through. It is this friend that told him about the wolves. His name is Rihando.
  • There is a farm that Rihando helps maintain for a down on his luck simple minded farmer. Nash doesn't understand Rihando's loyalty to the farmer, but respects him for it. He can not recall the farmers name because he has only met him in passing.
  • Nash is from the city of Khuul.
  • Nash works for the city of Volmoria.
  • If asked about Khuul or Volmoria he will just invite the party to come stay with him sometime. This is because most of his travel companions end up dead or leaving before the hunt is completed.
  • Nash will be hesitant to connect too much with the party at the start. He will mention that most of travel companions are not up to the challenge of a real fight. Nash will conclude with he hopes the party will change his mind that most hired swords are not skilled enough to keep up.

Kory Starneg

  • Kory is from the continent of Reedan.
  • The name of the man who killed his family is Joxor.
  • He was told that Joxor lives on a small farm in the town of Gylex.
  • The plan is to stay at the local inn for a night or two, gathering more information Joxor and his family.
  • Kory does not want be in a situation where they will be outnumbered or out classed. He will most likely send some of you to the farm first to scout it out.
  • Kory says that he has never met Joxor but would know him when he sees him. He will never forget the face of the man who killed his family that night.
  • Kory has spent everything he had gathering information on Joxor, paying for the ride, paying for your help. He thanks you to no end for helping him get justice on this murderous thief.

Emmalyn Bersk

  • Emmalyn is a part of Fishing Guild on the continent of Reedan.
  • She has never met Kory's family.
  • She met Kory when he hired her to take him to Athlon.
  • Kory paid a large amount of gold to be taken to Shyruduin first, then Jeuno, and finally Gylex.
  • Kory said he was going to recruit some more people at each of these stops.
  • Emmalyn wants no part of the business Kory is conducting. She will take no part in the murder.
  • Emmalyn plans to stay at the Inn in Gylex and fish while you do your thing.

Maxence Shain

  • Maxence was hired right before the party was.
  • He was not born in Jueno.
  • Maxence was looking for any job he could get to prove his merit as a hero.
  • Maxence is not from Port Jeuno and he has paperwork to enter Jueno itself.
  • He does not want to discuss his parents or family.


  • Balcon has never met Kory before.
  • He was hired in Shyruduin.
  • He was hired to kill this murderer and plans to see it through.

Getting the party together

Click for larger image.

The party traveling with Nash will arrive in Gylex first. Before departing Midhaven, more than likely also while traveling, Nash had mentioned that he wanted to go to the Forgotten Ship Pub. Use the map to describe Gylex to the players. The Forgotten Ship Pub is the first thing you come to when on the road from Midhaven. It is a noticeably large building, the kind of thing that would stand out in such a small town. Draw attention to as they approach the town. This road will also pass by the farm Rihando works, Nash will make mention of it as they pass. Once they enter town Nash will head straight for the Forgotten Ship and head inside. While he gathers his things and ties his cart down he will tell the party that the first round in on him if they come in now. The party can decline the offer if they wish and walk around the town before going in. If they decide to walk around town first Nash will mention that they should wait for him before heading to the farm, Rihando does not like unexpected visitors. Not going with Nash right away will make the party have a delayed entrance to the tavern. Continue to the Forgotten Ship section if they go in now.

The docks, the town, and the markets

If the party decides to walk around a bit they will notice right away that the town of Gylex itself is not very big. Some farm houses, a well, small homes and some markets. The markets all face the docks. The docks seem to draw the most attention, with the exception of the tavern. The markets for the most part seem to sell food stuffs. If the party needs any rations they can pick them up here. The fish markets here sell Stryf Cod, Striped Bass, Chinook Salman, Red Carp, and Ashby Bream. For the group arriving by ship, the first place they will be is the docks. When they arrive they will also notice that the tavern is a noticeably large building for such a small town. If the parties decide to gather information from the townsfolk they can learn this information.

  • Wolves have been attacking caravans traveling to and from Blacksteel. Rihando has dealt with the wolves as they come into town. Rihando is a kind soul.
  • Rihando lives on Joxor’s farm and helps him tend the fields.
  • Rihando seems to be a skilled fighter and moved to this town when Joxor did, around six years ago.
  • Joxor is the town idiot. He is a simple minded person. He seems to not know much of farming and that is why Rihando does most of it. He purchased the farm for a large amount of money, wanting to just get away from it all. Both of them are very friendly and mostly keep to themselves.
  • The Forgotten Ship Pub is the reason most people come to Gylex. It offers cheaper rates than anything you can find in Blacksteel. Fishermen and miners from the Copper Isles also stay at the inn.
  • Gylex is also a stop for ships from the Copper Isles. They stop here sell fish or replenish their supplies. The Copper Isles are mostly mining towns that look sell ores in Blacksteel. Gylex is one of the nearest mainland towns.

The second party will arrive with the delayed status applied to them. Kory will mention that they should head to the pub to ask around about Joxor before heading right to his farm. Kory will not want to be in a situation that will benefit Joxor during a fight.

Forgotten Ship Pub

If the party enters the pub right away with Nash then he will purchase them a round as promised. The bartender recognizes Nash right away takes the order. Nash will introduce the party to Fynn as the man to know in Gylex. The two of them exchange some quick dialog, then it’s down to business, he will ask Fynn about the wolves.

When asked about the wolves Fynn will offer up this information.

  • The wolves seem to always attack at night.
  • Somehow they seem to make coordinated attacks on the merchants. He finds it very strange.
  • The people who survive the encounters with them mention that sometimes there is a larger wolf with them, possibly a dire wolf leading the pack.
  • Rihando over at Joxor’s farm has been dealing with the wolves as they try to enter town or attack to the farm’s livestock.

Nash will mention that he intends to speak with Rihando after another round. At this point Fynn will ask Nash about his latest catch. This will prompt Nash to begin telling the story of his latest monster hunt. When Nash tells a story at a tavern he makes sure to tell it to the largest audience he can. He will make it sound like it was the greatest fight he has even been a part of. Every story is a larger and longer epic tale than before. His last hunt was in the Soguk region. Nash was able to capture a Griffon for the coliseum in Volmoria.

Explain the fight to the players and include these details.

  • During the fight his fellow hunters died.
  • He used a magic item to imprison the monster.
  • He has yet to deliver the monster.

Patrons at the bar will gather to listen in to the story. At some point Nash will make a loud noise catching the attention of the people whom just walked in. Any delayed parties will enter the pub at this moment.

Kory, Maxence, Balron and the second party will hear this and be drawn into the story. This is the first time the two parties will meet up. Nash will finish his story and suggest it is about time to head over to Joxor’s farm. Nash will collect up those who traveled with him and make his way out. Now is the time for the players to talk to each other for the first time. If they do not openly discuss the wolves or Rihando have Kory ask those questions to Nash. Once Nash explains that they are here to kill some wolves and meet with Rihando have Kory make a suggestion to players he traveled with. That suggestion is something along the lines of himself, Maxence and Balron staying at the inn while they help with the wolves, gathering more information about Joxor’s whereabouts. Kory does not want to walk into a situation where they are outnumbered or out classed.

Now that all the players are together they will head to Joxor’s farm.

Joxor's Farm

Rihando the fighter.

Joxor’s farm is a large home with a single large field for livestock. The field is entirely fenced in, with the fence connecting the field to the home via a side door. When the party first arrives they will find a well geared man sitting outside the front door. Nash will greet the man by shouting to him as they approach. Nash will announce his approach and introduce the party as his hunting group. Nash will then, in a sort of whisper that is loud enough so the entire party can hear him, comment on Rihando.

That’s Rihando. He is not kind to people who approach the house unannounced. I learned that the hard way. Rihando is willing to fight just about anyone whom he feels is here to start something. He is very loyal to the owner of this farm. Joxor, the guy who owns this place, he talks funny. Rihando swears to me all the time that he is a good guy though. I have met him once, he seems nice enough.

As the party reaches Rihando use the picture to describe him. He will gladly shake hands with anyone and is very polite to the party. Rihando will thank Nash for coming and begin to fill him in on the situation. Wolves have been killing the farms livestock at night. He will also mention how the wolves are attacking in a very organized manner. A larger wolf sometimes travels with them. Rihando assumes this must be the alpha wolf organizing their attacks. This is the wolf he contacted Nash about.

Rihando will then ask the party if they would like come inside, have a drink, and wait until night for the wolves to come around. There is food and drink inside that they can help themselves to if the wish to enter.

Players who wish to wait outside:

If any player would like to remain outside they can do so. Rihando will remain on guard outside regardless if a player stays outside or not. Rihando will gladly engage in small talk if any players want to talk, otherwise he will remain on guard, keeping a eye on any players who remained outside. Eventually Rihando will hear the wolves howls and open the door to notify the players inside.

When asked questions Rihando will give the following answers or say he doesn't know:

  • He met Joxor about six years ago.
  • Joxor was injured when they met, and Rihando had to help him escape from some caves and ruins.
  • Joxor is a simple and kind person.
  • Joxor bought this place after we got out of the ruins, selling some expensive items he found there.
  • People here feel sorry for Joxor, wondering why he would buy a farm not knowing how to manage one.
  • He feels compelled to help Joxor and Joxor has been very kind to him.
  • He does not remember any of his life before he met Joxor in that cave, he assumes he must have been exploring with Joxor.

Players who decide to go inside:

Once inside the players will notice a man sitting at a table drinking. This man is Joxor. He is not particularly dressed well, about what you would expect from a farm owner. He quickly stands when he notices the party enter.

Welcome! Welcome! My home, you can have drink. Get for you, sit. You stop wolves? Save animals? Reward for you.

Joxor will get grab some cups off a shelf and begin to poor drinks for the party. Make sure when roleplaying for Joxor you make him sound uneducated. Joxor speaks in sentence fragments, and only says the most important words of what he is thinking. Joxor has a very low intelligence and you want to make sure that comes across when you roleplay. He is not stupid, in fact he is very clever. Joxor's intelligence stat was lowered via magical means, he was once a very skilled adventurer. It is important that you not roleplay him as dimwitted. He does not remember the event that caused his intelligence score to be lowered.

When asked questions Joxor will always refer to Rihando, saying "Ask Rihando." unless the questions involve these answers:

  • Joxor will reward the players with 25 gold each if they kill the wolves and save his livestock.
  • He has never seen the wolves, he lets Rihando deal with them.
  • He does not remember why he speaks like this.
  • He does not remember much of anything before four years ago.
  • He doesn't think he has ever left Athlon.
  • He bought the farm with money he had when he came to town.
  • If they ask him about Dardanelles he will say, "Been there. When returned we talk."

When players do perception checks around the home:

  • Joxor has some pretty nice things for a farmer.
  • The gear and equipment appears to have seen better days, but it is used.
  • The gear is used for adventuring, it is clearly the type of equipment a adventurer would prefer to use.
  • Book on the shelves appear to be about to how to farm, Insight checks will imply Joxor and Rihando needed to learn to farm using these books.
  • There are map cases filled with maps, most likely used to track crops and his land.
  • Joxor or Rihando clearly have a fine taste for liquor.

During this time Nash will grab a glass and small talk with Joxor for a brief moment. Asking him how he has been and thanking him for the tip on the alpha wolf. He will sit at the table and wait for a sign of the wolves. Give the players some time to look around and talk to Joxor, then tell them of the wolf howls. These howls will then be accompanied by Rihando opening the door.

The wolves are near.

If any player attacks Joxor or Rihando now

A player may wish to attack Joxor or Rihando now. If that is the case go to this section.

Hunting the wolves

Once the party hears the wolves they can begin to hunt them. They are not far off, perhaps a mile from the farm. Nash will offer to track the wolves if the party does not have means to do so. This is a very straight forward fight. You do not want to take up too much time with these fights. Design a encounter in the woods using a number of wolves you feel your party can handle. Here are the stats for wolves.


During the fight Nash will joy the party in battle. Remember back to how you roleplayed Nash while telling his story at the bar. Nash will likely not bother with fighting these wolves or doing the work of the lower leveled party. He knows the party can handle some wolves and with his actions he can remind the party of this fact. Remember that these wolves are being lead by a larger wolf, so have some of them retreat before they are all wiped out. If you feel your party can handle four or five wolves, include six in the fight.

Have one wolf flee from battle, howling as to signal the even more wolves. Nash will notice this and remind the party that the real treat here is the alpha. Nash will again offer to track the wolf if no player decides to do so on their own. The party, or Nash, will track the fleeing wolf into a ambush. The ambush can be avoided with a DC 17 Perception check.

The wolf leader

Fight at Joxor's farm

When the party returns to the farm Rihando will greet them as they approach the home. He will ask them how it went and if they were successful in stopping the alpha wolf. Nash will joke with Rihando and tell him he has nothing more to worry about. This is great news for Rihando and he invites them inside for a drink. He also tells them that Joxor will pay them what they are owed once inside. Rihando will follow them into the home this time, unlike the last time when he waited outside.

Joxor will again greet them very warmly. He will get up from the table and rush to get them drinks. He makes motions to the party for them to sit at the table. As he makes the drinks he motions for Rihando to get their payment. Joxor then distributes drinks to the party while they sit around the table. Conversation will start with him asking about the wolf, then shift to asking them about their plans after this.

If the party mentions that they plan on going to Dardanelles, Brelum, or the Vagodor spines Joxor will become very interested. Getting up from the table very quickly Joxor will begin searching a bookcase. Grabbing a map scroll he will rush back to the table and roll it out on the table. Joxor will point to Dardanelles and repeat the word entrance. When roleplaying for Joxor remember that mostly speaks using one word sentences. Joxor knows of an entrance to a weapons cache under the barracks in Dardanelles. He will always have trouble explaining his thoughts to people, however, if the party asks for Rihando to help them understand what it is Joxor is trying to say, Rihando will translate Joxors crude verbal skills mixed with gestures. Eventually you want the party to learn that Joxor has been to these ruins before, has explored them sometime in his past, and knows the location of artifacts lost to time there. As Rihando translates he will recall that this is the place that he first met Joxor. Rihando will then inform the party that Joxor was badly wounded in the catacombs below these ruins. He never knew where is was until now. Rihando helped Joxor escape the ruins and thinks that those injuries may have caused his slow witted nature. Joxor has displayed uncharacteristic skill for fighting and other acrobatics before. Joxor will say that if he could remember more he would tell you, it’s all buried in his memories.

Just then a knock will be heard on the door and Rihando will go to answer it. Once he removes the lock and opens the door just a crack the door swings violently open, knocking Rihando back and to his knees. This is when Balcon will enter the home with his sword drawn.