Cala'diel (5e Campaign Setting)/Dragons/Malkura

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Malkura the silver dragon.

Malkura was the last of the five dragons created by Bahamut. She is viewed by her siblings as playful and childish. Tiamat and Bahamut paired her with Fangdur on the continent of Evokra. the two would be given the powers to shape and populate the continent however they wanted. Fangdur felt these islands to be too small and confining for his human race. He quickly left to spend time on all the other continents of Cala'diel. This meant Evokra was entirely controlled by Malkura.

When Bahamut gave Malkura the power to create one race on to live on Cala'diel, she created the catfolk race. She created them to be much like herself, playful and childish. Malkura grew fond of these catfolk, and spent time with them in catfolk form. Her siblings looked down on her for spending so much time with these lesser beings and eventually stopped talking to her. This caused Malkura to spend even more time with the catfolk in her catfolk form. Eventually Malkura became the catfolk chieftainess. This lead to all catfolk following her laws and wishes. She treated the catfolk as her family, and wanted to protect them the best she could. Malkura went on to make leaving the islands of Evokra not allowed. She made it so all catfolk would want to stay in thier homelands and never leave.

This went on for some time, so long that eventually catfolk as a race never wanted to leave Evokra, they feared leaving. Malkura remained as ruler, in her catfolk form, maintaining her rule. This lead to her meeting all kinds of rules breakers and outsiders. This is how Malkura met Tiffany Twisted. Tiffany Twisted was a catfolk who continued to try to leave Evokra, and each time she was brought back to explain herself to Malkura. Every time Tiffany would tell Malkura she wants to adventure and see the world. Tiffany was a bard who was driven by the chance to tell great stories and learn new songs. She wanted to leave so badly she attempted escape fifteen or more times. Malkura became so interested in Tiffany that she befriended her.