Dragonborn (5e)

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Dragonborn Overview[1] [2]

[2] Dragonborn look very much like dragons standing erect in humanoid form, though they lack wings or a tail… Their small, fine scales are usually brass or bronze in color… [Rare individuals] have scales that more closely match those of their dragon ancestor — red, green, blue, or white, black; or metallic gold, silver, brass, copper, or bronze. They are tall, close to 6 1/2 feet, and weighing 300 pounds or more. Their hands and feet are strong, talon-like claws with three fingers and a thumb on each hand.

Height and Weight

Height & Weight [3]
Species Base Height Height Mod Base Weight Weight Mod Average
Dragonborn 5' 6" +2d8 175 lbs. x (2d6) lbs. 6' 3" 238 lbs.

Dragonborn Characters

Dragonborn Champions

[4] Dragonborn champions devote themselves to their divine [dragon] ancestor. Dragonborn champions advance the cause of their dragon god among draconic creatures and other folk alike.

Dragonborn as Creatures

(5 official and unofficial Dragonborn)

Name Type Subtype Size HP CR (XP) Alignment Habitat Source
Dragonborn Overview Overview Humanoid, Dragonborn SRD-OGL v5.1, Player's Handbook (5e), Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Dragonborn of Bahamut Humanoid Dragonborn Medium 93 8 (3,900) Lawful Good Urban Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Dragonborn of Sardior Humanoid Dragonborn Medium 75 6 (2,300) Neutral Urban Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Dragonborn of Tiamat Humanoid Dragonborn Medium 85 7 (2,900) Chaotic Evil Urban Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
Dragonborn Template Template Humanoid, Dragonborn Rlyehable

Sources and Notes

  1. SRD5:
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wizards RPG Team (19 August 2014). Player's Handbook. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 0786965606. p. 32. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast.
  3. PHB5 p.121
  4. James Wyatt, et. al. (26 October 2021). Fizban's Treasury of Dragons. (5e 2014) Wizards of the Coast. ISBN 978-0-7869-6730-8. p. 184. Licensed: © Wizards of the Coast (used under 'fair use' clause).

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Facts about "Dragonborn (5e)"
AuthorSRD-OGL v5.1, Player's Handbook (5e), Fizban's Treasury of Dragons +
Canontrue +
Creature NameDragonborn Overview +
NameDragonborn Overview +
PublicationSRD-OGL v5.1, Player's Handbook (5e), Fizban's Treasury of Dragons +
SortTextDragonborn AAA Overview 5e +
SubtypeHumanoid + and Dragonborn +
TypeOverview +