Publication:Unearthed Arcana/Maritime Character Background

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Maritime Background

Characters with maritime backgrounds indulge in the same passions as everyone else- war, trade, and larceny- but they do it with a ship's deck beneath their feet (unless they've been shipwrecked, which is one possible activity in this background).

A character's time spent on the high seas provide a bonus on recognition checks; each time the maritime background is selected for this character, the bonus is increased by 1.

Example Maritime Ranks

Every navy has its own ranking system, and few ships are at exactly their full complement of crew. The following system of ranks is a good starting point for most campaigns.

Maritime Ranks (Lowest to Highest): Ordinary hand, able hand, leading hand, petty officer, chief petty officer, sublieutenant, lieutenant, lieutenant commander, commander, captain, commodore, admiral, grand admiral.

Maritime Background Activities
d% Activity Class Feats Skills Gear Contacts Rep Recognition
01-12 Pirate Rogue Dodge, Mobility Balance, Jump, Tumble,Bluff, Swim Weapon Information +1/2 Rank, DC 22
13-24 Military Navy Fighter Leadership, Weapon Focus Profession (sailor), Swim, Use Rope Weapon Influence +1/2 Rank, DC 24
25-34 Sea trader Rogue or bard Negotiator, Deft Hands Appraise, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Swim, Profession (sailor) Wondrous item that aids interaction Skill +0 Rank, DC 26
35-44 Ship's Marine Fighter Power Attack, Improved Sunder Swim Climb, Jump Light armor Skill +0 Rank, DC 26
45-52 Stowaway Rogue Stealthy, Deceitful Swim, Hide, Move Silently, Disguise, Bluff Item that aids stealth Influence +0 -
53-62 Shipwrecked Barbarian Track, Self-Sufficient Swim, Survival, Craft (any), Spot, Listen Simple weapon or hand-crafted item Skill +0 -
63-72 Deckhand Rogue or fighter Dodge, Weapon Focus Swim, Use Rope, Profession (sailor), Climb, Jump Weapon Information +0 Rank, DC 26
73-82 Navigator Bard or wizard Scribe Scroll, Spell Focus (Transmutation) Profession (sailor), Decipher Script, Knowledge (geography), Spellcraft, Swim Scrolls Skill +0 Rank, DC 24
83-90 Wind-bringer Druid or sorcerer Spell Focus (Transmutation), Spell Focus (Conjuration) Spellcraft, Concentration, Knowledge (geography), Swim, Profession (sailor) Item that affects weather or wind Information +0 Rank, DC 24
91-100 Chaplain Cleric Any metamagic Heal, Swim, Profession (sailor) Item that hals or cures Information +0 Rank, DC 24

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